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Hey Guys How Are You I Am Nikhil

And In Todays Photoshop Tutorial

I Will Teach You Guys The Whole Process To Design A Professional Poster

During This Whole Video You Will Learn Many New Technics So

Make Sure You See The Video Till The End

So That You Don't Miss Any Steps

Before Starting Todays Video I Want To Wish You Guys

A Very Very Very Happy New Year

The Year 2020 Was A Very Difficult Year For Everyone

But Now

Creative Food Social Media Post

A New Year Has Begun So I Want All Of Us To Start

This Year With A Positive Mindset

And Go Behind Our Goals And Dreams

And Work Hard On It To Achieve Them

So With This Lets Start Todays Video

Alright So Here We Are In Photoshop

And The First Thing I Have Done Is To Set My Background To Black

Food Social Media Post Freepik

Now There Are Two Ways To Color A Background First What I Can Do Is Create A New Layer And Make Sure That My Background Color Is Set To Black And Hit Ctrl + D By This It Will Take The Background Color Or I Can Do Ctrl + Z Or I Can Go Here And Set Or Create A Solid Color And Give It Any Name Like Give It Any Color Sorry I Can Set It On Black And Hit Ok And Our Background Will Be Ready Then The Thing I Have Done Is Drag And Drop My This Image And Again The Images Or Assets 

Restaurant Social Media Post Design

That I Am Using In This Project I Have Given Project File Link In The Description Of This Video Where You Can Download The Complete Resource's So This Is Our Image But I Only Wanted The Table Top So I Basically Selected The Marquee Tool And Just Like This I Cropped It And Delete It And If

You have to wait 18 econds.

Click on Download Button After Time is Over

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I Select Marquee Tool And Click On Layer Mask Will Get A Layer Mask And We Will Get The Cut Out So Here I Have Already Kept A Cut Out Image And We Get Something Like This Now I Wanted To Create The Tables Front Side So For That What I Did I Had A Texture Table Texture 

Creative Food Social Media Post

If You See Its A Simple Table Oh Its A Simple Table Texture You Know I Have Properly Aligned Them With These Lines Basically Use Transform Tools And Align Them And You Know Set It On Whole Table Top Which Is Looking Pretty Good Now What I Want To Do Is Create Some Depth Now It Looks Very Much Flat As

Social Media Post Template Free Download

You Can See So For That What I Did Is I Created A New Layer And With The Brush Tool On The New Layer I Just Set The Black Color With The Brush And Just Paint It Out Like This Just Now I Want To Create A Little Depth As You Can See This Looks Great But Our Top That Like The Light Is Placed Evenly Everywhere But What 

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I Want Is A Spotlight Kind Of Effect Which Draws Focus To Our Center And For That I Have Created A New Layer You Know And Again Just With The Brush Tool On The Side I Just Added A Little Black Color Simply Just Just Like This You Know By Clicking And On The Side Created A Vignette Effect And Finally To Blend In Everything I Took A Curve Adjustment Which Is Very Simple With The Contrast I Just Had To Increase It To Give A Grungy Look To It You Can See If I Show The Before And After It Builds A Good Contrast Just Like This Then We Will Add Our Images Of Burger And Fries You Guys Can Take Any Ah

Click Now

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Like Your Poster Will Be Definitely Different

So If You Are Taking Pizza Or Tacos

You Can Take Those Too

So We Basically Drag And Dropped The Image And Placed It Like This

And I Added A Little Sharpen In The File

So If You Wanna Add Sharpen You Can Go In Filter

Sharpen And Add Sharpen


Food Social Media Post Freepik

And Now We Have To

To Give A Little Realism To It

Adding Shadows Is Important

By This It Will Create A Lot Of Depth

And It Will Give A Three Dimension Feel Because For Now It Looks Very Flat

So We Can Do It By Doing A Drop Shadow

But That Will Not Look Much Realistic

So For That What I Did Is Take A Black Color Ellipse Tool


Creative Food Social Media Post

And Added A Gaussian Blur On That

And Our Shadow Will Be Ready

Now The Properties Of Gaussian Blur I Have Taken Is Sixteen

You Guys Can Play Around With Different

Numbers And Observe It What Goes Good With Your Subject Properly

Sixteen Looks Good According To The Burger

But One Shadow Is For Burger I Need One More For Fries

So For That

Social Media Marketing Post Template

I Have Used The Same Process Made A Eclipse

And On That Added A Gaussian Blur

Simple And Now You Can See

How Good It Is Creating A Depth

Now For Background What I Have Done Is

I Have Added A Little Light Which Was Very Simple Because

You Know

Creative Food Social Media Post

Food Social Media Post Freepik

Restaurant Social Media Post Design

Food Post Template

Restaurant Social Media Post Design

The Background Is Looking Very Much Black And Flat


I Added Some Light It Was Very Easy To Add Light

We Have To Create A New Layer

We Have To Select Brush To By Pressing B Which Is The Short Cut

Then You Can Select Any Color You Want In My Case I Chose Orange

Because With Food

Food Instagram Post Template

This Color Goes Well And I Can Illuminate The Background

Like This

Basically For Now I Am Doing Ctrl + Z

Now We Will Create Our Text

So For Text Our First Text Was Super




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Now The Fonts I Used For Text Like For Super I Used

Badcats Again I Will Give The Links For Every Font I Have Used

The Second Font Which I Used For Delicious Is Cheddar Gothic

This Is A Paid Font So You Can

Take Any Other Fonts Like Bms Or Heading Pro

You Can Take Any Font It Will Look Good Or You Can Experiment With Different Fonts

Creative Food Social Media Post

Now The Text For Burger For That I Have Again Used Badcats Which Is Looking Pretty Food With This Particular Design And Finally We We Took A Brush Stroke And Added It And Gave A Color Overlay With Yellow Color Which Is Going With Our Theme Very Well Hit Ok And Then On This We Text In We Type In Our Third Text That Is Best Deal That Can Be Anything Like Fifty Percent Off Or You Know

Food Instagram Post Template

New Year Special Deal Or Anything

Now I Wanted To Create A Little Separation In Between Both Of Them

So What I Did Is Created A Drop Shadow For The Burger Text By That

It Builds A Minute Separation Which Is Looking Good

Now I Will Show You The Properties Of Drop Shadow

Color Is Set On Black Opacity Is Hundred Percent

I Have Set Angle On One Thirty Distance Is Nine Lets Do It Ten Round Figure

And The Size Is Set On Twenty

Food Social Media Post Freepik

And I Have Added A Little Noise Incase You Want To Print It So The Color Bending's Doesn't Come In Drop Shadow Hit Ok And Now We Will Add Some Details In The Bottom Section Like Our Order Now Text Our Websites Name And Call Number I Mean Not My Personal Number Its A Random Number But You Guys Can Like You Guys Will Obviously Put The Number Of The Place Your Making It For And Then The Free Home Delivery Text Now We Will Finally Add Our Logo Here I Have Taken A Simple 

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Text As A Logo You Can Add On Your Own Text Now I Have To Completely Blend These Texts And Images So What I Have Done For That Is I Have Created A Photo Filter So Simply You Can Go Here And Add Ah Where Is It Photo Filter I Have Added The Photo Filter And The Properties The Filter Preset That I Set Was Warming Filter On Eighty Five Which Is The First One And The Density I Have Set On Is Fifty So If I On It You Can See Its A Minimal Change But Because Of It Everything Blends In 

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With Everything Nicely As You Can See If I Want I Can Increase The Intensity But It Will Look Weird So Fifty Fifty Is Good And Finally I Added Some Sparks On It Again I Have Given The Image In Description You Can Add It By This Your Design Will Look Good And Wont Look Empty And In The Background I Have Added Some Powder Smoke That Is It Just Like This I Completed The Whole Poster Design If I 

Food Instagram Post Template

Drag And Dropped Every Thing It Would Have Wasted So Much Time But I Think That With This Process I Can Very Effectively An Easily Show You Guys And In Less Time Specially I Can Explain Everything To You Guys In This Particular Process So That Is A Wrap Guys I Hope You Guys Liked Todays Video And As You Guys Saw Todays Tutorial Process Was 

Social Media Post Template

Very Different From Our Usual Tutorials Because If I Started Showing Every Little Things To You Guys Like How To Drag And Drop The Image In The Com Making Text Changing The Fonts These Are Very Basic Things And Are Very Simple

So If I Would Show You Guys These Things

The Tutorial Would Go Really Long

But I Hope The Main Topics Were You Know

I Touched The Methods Of The Tutorial

Creative Food Social Media Post

And You Guys Could Easily Understand The Tutorial

And Its A Kind Of Experiment That

I Was Thinking That There Are Some Topics And Tutorial Which Go On For Very Long

Like A Design Tutorial Which Has A Long Process

So I Can Teach You Guys In This Breakdown Method

So If You Guys Liked The Idea Please Please Please Do Tell Me In The Comment Section

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Our Normal Tutorials Will Be Always There But

Incase If It Happens That A Tutorial Is Going Very Long

So I Will Make It In This Breakdown Method

So Did You Guys Liked This Process

Again Please Do Tell Me In The Comment Section

And Please Subscribe Because That Motivates Me To Make More Videos

And Il Meet You Guys In The Next Video

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Till Then

Take Care And Always

Stay Raw

Stay Creative

Peace Out

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