Ashish Chanchlani OTP The Lottery Chapter 1 Download Video Otp The Lottery Chapter 1 Ashish Chanchlani

Ashish Chanchlani OTP The Lottery Chapter 1 Download Video Otp The Lottery Chapter 1 Ashish Chanchlani

OTP The Lottery: Chapter 1 | Ashish Chanchlani

Ashish Chanchlani OTP The Lottery Chapter 1 Download Video Otp The Lottery Chapter 1 Ashish Chanchlani

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'So how are you? No, you are not on the wrong channel but the right one?' 'I'm going to show you a thrilling story today.' 'He is Nalla.' 'His name is Navin, but his unfortunate fate and his habits' 'the surrounding people call him Nalla.' 'Whether it's friend or girls. Even the kids'

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'everyone address him as Nalla.' 'Nalla is scared of only one thing in life.' 'His sister Lara.' 'Not she. She is Lara.' 'Nalla feels that because of his uselessness' 'very soon all his property will go to Lara.' 'Now let's meet the second person of this story.' 'Totaa!' 'His name is Tarun but he speaks like a parrot.' 'Because he always speak the right thing at the wrong place and wrong time.'

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'Due to which many things go wrong.' Whatever you say, he looks like his mom. No. He looks like his dad. No! He looks like the curd seller Mr. Raju. Tell me something, when did he set his curd in your refrigerator? 'Wow. Let's start the story without any mess. No.' 'Actually a lot of mess.

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' Nalla. - Tell me. I was wondering to woo your dog Lara. If I woo her, I'll get half of the property. And even if someone throws you out of the house, I'm there to help. Look, the society can never accept the pair of a dog and a parrot. So Totaa, have some chillies and burn your a**.

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Don't nag my brains. Sit with me only if you want to help. Help me in finding a job. What is this? 12000? - Accept it, brother. Rs. 12000 a year is a fair deal. It's monthly. Night shift. 10 to 7. A very handsome manly man required. Massage parlour.

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Have they mentioned in the Skills Required section to get the lotion or saliva will do? Be quiet. - Not quiet. Why did I make you sit here, Totaa? Rs. 15000. - What will you do? - A peon's job. Let me apply for the job of a peon. Why? - Anyway, it's work from home. What will the peon do by staying online? You don't have to prepare tea online. Once the pandemic ends I'll change the job.

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Senior Peon. Should I apply for you as well. A job of Vice-peon? I'm wet. - What? - I mean set. What's set? - I'm doing MBA. - MBA and you? Do you have time to do MBA from your talking and job? I'm doing MBA along with the job through UpGrad. UpGrad? What's this now? You can do a specialized course in Data and Management through UpGrad.

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Great personalities from the industry come. You get one-on-one mentorship. And I have heard that you get up to 57% hike in your salary. There's placement support as well. You get the degree for you job and not for your name. - That's cool, buddy. Your plan is great. I applied. -

Ashish Chanchlani OTP The Lottery Chapter 1 Download Video Otp The Lottery Chapter 1 Ashish Chanchlani

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Congratulations. - Thank you. You got a job. The phone rang. - No. So many numbers? Are you receiving calls from two companies?

Hey. He is my brother from Los Angeles.

Hello. How are you Navin?

I'm Nalla even today. You tell me. - I know that.

I called you to congratulate.

I haven't revived the job letter yet.

Hold on, how did you know?

Everybody knows. You filthy rich man.

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Brother, my parents address me as useless. Nobody thinks I'm wealthy. This means you have forgotten? - What are you talking about? I didn't get you. I'm talking about your Bitcoin. What? - Don't you remember? I had sent you a Bitcoin in 2012 just like that.

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What are you saying, brother? How much? Yes, I had sent around 10. - 10? It's 2. Look - 10... 10. - So, it must be there. You are shocked, right? - Of course, brother. I have got the shock of my life. Whom did you give? If you had given to mom, she would've kept it safely in the cupboard.

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Nalla, I have put that Bitcoin in digital wallet and mailed you the address link and password. - Okay. Which ID was it? - How would I know? You check the mail. - Forward me the mail please. Nalla, if I would've been able to forward, I could've opened it and sold it. The company ID from which I had forwarded, I left it five years back. So how can I have the ID? I'll find it brother.

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Thank you brother. I love you brother. You made my life. Yes. Love you too. Go. Have fun. Party on me. Go and enjoy. Thank you. I love you. Buddy, in 2012 my brother had purchased 10 Bitcoins. And he had sent me on mail. What's the price of one Bitcoin today?

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Rs. 25 lakhs. How much for 10 Bitcoins? - 1.5 crores. 3 crores, buddy. I won the lottery of Rs. 3 crores. Rs 3 crores. To hell with the peon job. He told me that... What was my E-mail ID in 2012? We had made a mail-ID in the college. In the year 2012 he... Think. In our childhood...

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What was the ID? What was the User name? Why can't I remember? - Where did your head got injured? - I'm trying to remember. What was it? What was the user name, Totaa? Rockstar Navin. - Navin Sexy Boy. - Dashing Navin. No. I can remember. It was something weird. - Have some almonds. Did you recall? - It doesn't work so early. It was like 'Navin ki Pant.' - Panty. 'Navin ki Panty.'Navin Ki bra.' - Let me remember. You are confusing me with the lingerie. Something like Navin... I remembered. '[email protected]' 1212, so big? - Yes. It's the user name. Let's login.

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Come on. 3 crores. Yes. The Goddess is nearby now. '[email protected]' If this is the user name then the password will be... - It's short in reality. I mean the password. Capital. - When you have the option of 'Forgot password' why are we using our brains? Let's use the 'forgot password' feature. Recovery Mail Address? MER. Which is this ID now? Do you know this ID? -

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How would I know? MER. - 'Mercedeschor?' - No. I remembered. Do you remember, Totaa when I was making the Email ID, I used your ID for the recovery. Remember? Something like 'merabaapchor.' 'merimaachor' something like this. - It's my ID and not yours. - Try to remember. Let me. I remembered. - Do you? What was it? - 'meranavinsebhibadahai1.' What's this 1? - It's the difference. Write it down. 'Meranavinsebhibadahai.' Yes. Tell me the password, Totaa. Totaa, tell me the password. - What's my share? Will you take money from me? - Yes. - How much?- 70%. Go away. It's not your father's rule. - Okay. - Hey, I'm joking. I'm joking. 70%. It's my Bitcoin, my money. Let's bargain. Please. - Okay. 10%. I won't accept less. I'm leaving. -

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Okay. 10% is yours. Tell me the password. - Forgot password. - Okay. FORGOT. You don't have to type. Click on it. Then for what do you want the 10% when you don't remember your password? For forgot password. - You are such a rascal, Totaa. I swear I'll beat you up with shoes someday. Okay. Forgot password. 'OTP sent to you mobile number.' 00. Is this your number? - Yes. - Check the OTP. Yes. It's here. - Tell me the OTP. +91 +91 - Space. - Space?- 745. 19... - Whose mobile number is this? Have you lost it? Read the entire message first. - Hold on. 'Increase the size in 15 seconds.' 'Apply the oil and if you can't reach, we will come to help you.'

 Ashish Chanchlani OTP The Lottery Chapter 1 Download Video Otp The Lottery Chapter 1 Ashish Chanchlani

'Without using the hands.' You... This is a number to increase the size. How can you tell the OTP directly? What shall we do now? Whose number have you entered? - 00. It was my number as well. It's not on my phone. Whose number is this, Totaa? - 00? This... What happened, Totaa? What's the group meeting for? I have brought gifts for everyone. - What? - New Sim cards. Sim cards? - Yes. Everybody's number will be same except... - What? Third last digit. - Really? - Your will end at 100. Mine will end at 200. 300 and 400. And the best part is. - What? - Free calling for our group. 24 hours. - Wow. Nobody can break our friendship now. Yeah. Let's party. Totaa, rascal. Where are you, Totaa? You dumb head. What was the need? As if you were boasting of friendship. Why did you take everyone's number same? - They are not the same. The third last digit is different. You... How will we find out the number now? How will we know on which number the Email ID is registered?

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You.. Let me show you. Rascal. 100. 200. 300 and 400. You have messed it so much that we can't find out which number the OTP went. Dumb head. We need to call and ask. - I'll make you mute. I'll kill you. - Please. Whose number have 300 and 400? 300 is Ghajini and 400 is Ravi. - Ghajini? I will not call Ghajini. Call Ravi. Call him right now. Oh no. It's Switched off. Now there's only one option. We need to call Ghajini. You call him. - You will speak to him. I won't. Yes. Hello Ghajini. - Not Ghajini, we are watching Lagaan. Hang up ****. Ghajini has turned into a shameless man. What will we do now? What? - Let's go home. - What is this? Let's go to Ghajini. Come. Come on. Where is Ghajini? Ghajini's mom has told to shut the door and don't let him go out. If he goes out he doesn't come here for a week. Oh no. - I don't know who had exploded the bomb on his head which had made him go crazy since then. Does he still have the short-term memory loss problem? -

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Nowadays, it's part time memory loss. His Ghajini mode is On and Off if you beat him. Be careful and speak, okay? - Come on. "I'm your quenched thirst."

Ghajini, how are you?

Who are you? How did you come in?

You forgot us again?

I'm Nalla and he is Totaa.

Totaa. He is a human but you look like Nalla.

Let me show the demo. - Let me call the cops.

I'll tell you about me. - Ghajini.

What do you mean by entering the password?

Don't come close to me. I have the password.

Should I enter it? Who are you?

Nalla! Totaa. - Ghajini! How are you?

I'm fine. What are you doing? - We thought you forgot us.

No, dear. - I have got gift for you. - Show me.

Wow, almonds. Thank you.

Let me show my room to you. Come.

Look, curtains, wire, AC, curtains.

Totaa, what did you do?

Hey, you are still here? Aren't you fearful of cops?


Totaa, whatever you say. You have a belly, chest inside

and you look great.

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Hey, Nalla. You were here. How did you come here? But whatever it is, you to have a belly and you look like a cutie pie. Cutie! Out! Sir, the dog faced man was here. Yes, you. Out. You are cutie pie, Nalla. You are Totaa. Nalla? Nalla, Totaa... What's wrong with me? Sit down you two. Don't stress yourself. Come. Sit down. Is it fine, Ghajini? The server is not moving, right? No. It's fine. Would you like to have something? Hold on. Mom, what's on the menu? - Almond Pizza. Almond Pizza. Wow! Yummy. Would you like to have? No. - It's almond Pizza. - No, brother. We are full. He is saying as if he is serving 'Pav Bhaji.' Tell me, what brought you here? What's the matter? It's a matter of 3 crores. 3 crores? - Yes. He will be getting 3 crores. - Hey. Please let me go... - Be quiet. What was the need to tell him about 3 crores? Should I distribute the money now? He will ask for his share now? He won't ask. - If he asks, I'll deduct from you. Be quiet. Where did you get 3 crores from?

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He has won the lottery of 3 crores. And the number will be on your phone. Is it? I'll take my share then. Totaa, look he asked for his share. Why should I give him money? Oh mom. Some strange thieves are here. They are asking of giving me. - You are giving me 30, give him 10. 1000. - 1000? 1000 is fine. - So, how much will I get? Ghajini, we have decided to give you 4000. Rs. 4000. Done. Please leave me. Let me go. Sir, you have misunderstood. We are the internet people. We came here to fix the wifi. So we did it. - That is why my phone was locked since morning. The total bill is Rs. 6000. - Okay. Rs. 6000. Here. - Give it to me. One, two, three, four. Tow thousand. So, Ghajini your total is Rs. 4000. Full advance payment. You are such a rascal. - Not rascal but he is a God Man. He gave the advance before he received the money. Do you remember, Ghajini. You had a number whose last three digits were 300. - Oh the number which all of us had in the college. 100, 200, 300 and 400. I do remember. - Do you? Yes. Do you think I'm forgetful? Where's that number? - I don't have it. You. Give it to me. - No. But I do remember who has that number. I gave that number to Chotu. Chotu? Why Di you give him? - Actually Chotu got me almonds so I gave him my phone to call. After that I don't remember anything. I only know that my head was paining. Oh. The one that we called now was Chotu. The Lagaan. Where will we find Chotu? Note down the address. -

Ashish Chanchlani OTP The Lottery Chapter 1 Download Video Otp The Lottery Chapter 1 Ashish Chanchlani

Tell me. Chagan's factory. - Chagan's factory. And... - And it's fine. You tell me. Did you hit him again? - No, I swear. - Tell me the address. It's this much. What does Chotu do? - He makes cupboards and sofas. Fine, we will go and find him. Ghajini, take care. Thank you, buddy. Love you. Let's go. Do come again. It feels good. "How did I find you?" Hold on. Let's call Chotu. We will ask for the OTP. He will give. Ghajini. 'Hello.' - Listen Chotu. The number you have was mine before. There will be a message which will have the OTP. Tell me the OTP. - 'Okay.' 'Will you fool us? You will remove the money from my account by asking the OTP?' 'We too watch films. Hang up. ****.' He thinks we are doing scam. There's only one way out. We have to visit Chagan's factory. - How can we go like that? He will recognize us. - What should we do then? I have an idea. Come. - Come. Hold on. Did we do a video call to Chotu? - No. Then what was the need to disguise? We had spoken over the phone. He wouldn't have recognized our voice. But you are having fun, right? - Yes. Stay in your character. Brother, where is Chagan's factory? Chagan? - Hurry up. It's the question of 3 crores. Totaa, you... Why are you blabbering like a parrot? Let him think. Where is Chagan's factory?

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Can you see the first shutter? Yes. - The 50th shutter from there everything belongs to Chagan. So tell me, where does he makes cupboards and sofas? Can you see that first shutter? - Yes. The 50th shutter from there cupboard and sofa work happens everywhere. So where will I get Chotu?

Can you see that first shutter? - From there to the 50th shutter

will I get anywhere? - No, brother. Let me speak.

You will meet Chotu in the first shutter.

Thank you so much.

Listen. - Tell me. - Stay away from Chotu.

Does he have a contagious disease? He eats a lot of Paan and spits. Keep his mouth shut. Alright. Thank you brother. First shutter, right? Not the 50th one? Where the hell is Chotu? Stay in the character. Don't speak in English. - Yes, sorry. Everyone will be safe when you get vaccinated by Kareena. - What are you saying, rascal? Everyone will be safe after getting vaccinated by corona vaccine. - Don't over act. Don't stress yourselves. I'm with you. Kareena has ruined it all... Not Kareena, say Corona. Otherwise Taimur won't spare you. Hey. Somebody has said...

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Be quiet. Come here. How will we identify our Chotu? Chotu! - Yes, brother! Everyone is Chotu. Which is our Chotu? Who saw Lagaan in the morning? We had seen it! Brother! - Yeah! Brother! - Yeah! What are you doing? Are we here to play cricket? I'm talking about Lagaan. - Get inside. Be quiet. All of you work, he is a fool. Don't pay attention to him. Totaa, don't pass your time and find out who is Chotu. I got to know. - How? - Look. Paan. - Paan. - What did that man say? Chotu likes Paan. - So? I will throw this Paan here. - And then? Chotu will come and snatch. Are we here for fishing? How can Chotu snatch it? That's the same. Look. Three, two, four. It's mine. - Chotu. Wait. - That's mine. Everyone is snatching like a crocodile. How will we know who is Chotu? That's my paan. - Oh it's here. Wait. - Paan. Give me. - Chotu. Totaa, you won't do anything now. Come with me. Be quiet. Brother what is your full name? Chotu Iyer. - What's your name brother?

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My? Chotu Bhide. What is your name? - My? Chotu Chanchalani. Are you a Youtuber? - No. I'm a Tiktoker. He ruined my name. Hold on. TikTok is banned. - That's why I'm working here. You are doing a great job. Very good. What's your name, brother? CC. - CC? Meaning? Chotu Chotu. - Is this your real name? - Yes.- Is this on the Aadhar card? Look at this. What is this? - This is Udhaar card. - Udhaar Card. Yes. I get everything on credit by this. Please give me as well. - Fools don't get it. How did you get then? - I'll put into your eyes. Hey. Wait Hold on. Chotu. Hold on. Say something, Chotu. I love you. - I think he is our Chotu. Chotu, say the word ****. - **** This is the same person who abused me in the morning. Chotu tell me, do you have abnormal pictures in your phone? Yes. How do you know? - You are watching Bulgar pictures we know that. - But that's only for studying. Mr. Zuckerberg sees everything. Show me your phone. Please save me. - We will save you. We will delete all the pictures and help you. - Okay. Do it. **** will he save me? Yes, he will save you. Oh no. Messages! 'Please put.' Messages. - Listen, I want such a cupboard.

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Okay. - Golden cupboard. Golden. - It should be designed with diamonds. The cupboard should be of 1 crore. 1 crore? - I have to keep 2 crores in it. 2 crores. - Totaa has to open his mouth and tell it to everyone. I need an AC inside. If we put wet clothes, it should dry and a person should be able to wear it soon. Brother, what is this new technology? - I'll buy you as well. In 2 million. - No, brother. I don't do such jobs. - Not like that. That's your fees. Do you have a suit? Don't wear. - Yes. - Be quiet Totaa. Brother, I have transferred all the vulgar pictures from your phone to me. Please give me. - Are we here to supply P***? Now you can wait. Everything will be fine. But don't watch more otherwise it ruin it. Okay. Your phone is filled with white water. - Be quiet. That's true. Brother, give me your number. You need the almirah, right? Diamonds! Wow, brother you got the OTP and you are going alone. I didn't get it. - What the F***. - Come out of your character. What the f***. He doesn't have the OTP so there's only one person now. Ravi. - Do you know the address of Ravi's new home? Yes, let's go. - How? Wear some proper clothes first. Okay, let me close this. -

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What will you do, Totaa? I'm doing MBA. This one. Opposite to this. This is Ravi's house. This one? So Ravi stays here? Yes. Ravi stays here. - I mean Ravi had a nice house. What happened? Hi financial condition is bad. Let's go. Ravi. Ravi. He is Ravi's brother. What happened? - Ravi. Ravi. Totaa. Ravi. Totaa. Ravi, get up. Wake up. You can't do this to me, Ravi. When did this happen, brother? - Last night. Ravi! Wake up, Ravi. Oh my God. Nalla. - You are alive? Then why is this fool crying? He is sleeping since last night. We have only one mattress. It was my turn to sleep today. Wake up, Ravi. You can't do this to me. Why have you put cotton in your nose? We can't wear mask while sleeping so I put cotton out of Corona's fear. How is he? He scared us. Get up. You scared me. Come here. How are you? Where's your phone? - Let him breathe, Totaa. He became alive just now. Ravi, you belong to a nice family. How did this happen?

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Actually, my company suffered huge losses. Loss? What did your company do? Look, our company used to analyze the performance of the cricketers and did a systematic investment. You were a gambler, right Ravi? Some people say this.

My Rs. 150. - No. I don't do any gambling now.

I only earn by working hard.

I only bet on horse race.

But what's the use? I lost my 3 crore flat.

Okay, you don't worry. We will buy.

We have 3 crores. - Totaa.

Sorry, 2.70 crores. 3 million are mine. - Be quiet.

He is crazy. Ignore him. Ravi, you had a flat of Rs. 3 crores?

The flat was of 5 million. Cash was 2.5 crores. IT Raid happened they took the cash. And the bookie took my flat. Ravi, leave all that. I need your help. Do you have the mobile number whose last 3 digits are 400? - Yes. Yes. - He has. Ravi, did you receive any message?

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Yes. - He received. Give me your phone. I think my old Mail ID is registered on your number. I have my birth certificate in the mail, I need to download that. Why isn't the phone working? - Brother when I received the message it vibrated and switched off. Switched off? Let's charge it then? It won't work. - Why? That scoundrel tailor was working on his machine and short circuit happened in the entire area. The phone's charging slot also got damaged. I had suffered a loss. Give me Rs. 50. Let me get 3 million. - Shut your mouth, Totaa. Nothing. We can take out your Sim card from your phone. That's simple. - It won't open. Why? - This is Nokai 3310. You won't open it. - You... - What are you doing? Totaa... What did you do, Totaa? What nonsense is this?

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How will we open it and remove the Sim card? Forget about that. What will Sakshi think? I have made a hole in the wall. Try to understand. - What shall we do now, Totaa? - I'll tell you. Come on. Ravi, come with me. - No. My brother will come and sleep. I want to sleep. - Okay. Get lost. I will return the sim card. - Don't forget. It has Rs. 30. And return the phone as well. It helps in self defence. Is this a phone or my father's safe? It doesn't get open. Be quiet now. Where's the tea? He is Indian Khaibi. Thank you. Totaa, did you park the Mercedes? Yes, bro. - Did you buy a bungalow? - Yes. I did two. - Two? - One for you. That's so much fun. We are tired. I have a feeling like Ananya Pandey. - Why? We have struggled so much. - Dear. Our struggle will be over from today and all our dreams will get fulfilled. Now load the sim card and remove the money. The money is six digit far. Come. Hurry up, brother. - Let it load, brother. Send. Did you receive? Re send it. Did you receive? - It comes fast. Totaa, we are not receiving messages. It's here. No. You got? It's not coming. 100, 200. 300, 400. We checked all the numbers but none of it received the message. 500 and 600. - What are you saying? This... Totaa, this... I forgot about this. F***. I won't go there. - Do you think I will be able to go? Don't you remember what happened in that house? 'Okay. I won't come here again.' 'I'll die but I won't step in this house.' No second way. I won't go. F*** it. - Okay. Forget those 3 crores. Hello, guys. I hope all you liked our first long form story type video. Give a lot of love and like to OTP The Lottery give so much comments that we need to make chapter 2. Because we will get 3 crores... -

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Shut your mouth, Totaa. Shut your mouth. - 3 crores.. - Don't listen to his spoilers. OTP The Lottery Chapter 2 will be here very soon. Till then. Till then keep guessing who has these two numbers? Also, guys. Please don't forget to download the UpGrad App. Or you can visit the website from the link

in the description below. Go and find your dream job with MBA.


Let's meet after the college, guys. Bye.

I'll leave, Totaa. - Wait.

What happened? - I had taken six numbers and not four.

What? - Yes. 500

and 600. - Why? - Hey...

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