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PK Full HD Hindi Movie 2014 - YouTube

PK Full HD Hindi Movie 2014 - YouTube

[Pk movie ] part-1 

Dorothy chapter one the room near thecampus April 1950 night was coming tothe town of blue river in the state ofIowa it was nearly dark in the smallroom near the Stoddard University campusthe two people in the room that Sundayevening were both second-year studentsof the college they were looking at eachother in silence the handsome young manwas angry his plans had been working sowell and now this news had come but hewasn't going to show his anger thatwouldn't help him he walked to thewindow and for a few seconds he lookedout at the lights of the town he lookedat the yellow lights in the streets helooked at the red light on top of theMunicipal Building the tower which wasthe tallest building in Blue River amile or two away then he turned and hesmiled at the young woman sitting on thebed are you sure that you're pregnanthe asked her gently are you really surethat you're going to have a baby yes I'msure she replied the doctor told me thatI'm two months pregnant she started tocry what will we do can we get marriedsoon don't cry the young man saideverything will be okayhe smiled again the young woman stoppedcrying she tried to smile too Ohget married right away she said I'm surethat my father will like you when hemeets you will be so happy well we couldget married immediately the young mansaid but this isn't what I'd plannedDorothy you know that I'd planned tomeet your father in New York in thesummer at the end of the college year Iwanted to ask him for permission tomarry you then I want your father tolike me Dorothy he went on quickly ifwe're already married when I meet himhe'll guess the reason he'll guess aboutyour pregnancy he won't like that he'llbe angry he'll stop giving you moneywe'll be poor I'll have to leave collegeand get a job in a store and you'll haveto leave college to take care of thebaby we'll have to live in a trailer howwill you feel about that how will yourfamily feel about it I love you theyoung woman replied miserably I don'tcare about being poor I don't care aboutmy family will be happy I'm sure aboutthat and I don't believe that my fatherwill be angry anyway we don't have anychoice I'm pregnantwe'll have to get married soon thehandsome young man walked over toDorothy and put his arms around hertonight he had to pretend to love her wedo have a choice he said what do youmean the young woman whispered nervouslyI know someone who can help us hereplied you don't have to be pregnantDorothy the young woman pushed him awayfrom her you want me to have an abortionshe said angrily no I won't do itstarted to cry again listen to me theyoung man said I do love you Dorothy youknow that but I don't want to destroyyour life your family is rich you don'tknow about being poor but I know aboutit you would hate it listen I want tomarry you next summer with your father'spermission then he'll go on giving youmoney we'll rent a little house near thecampus it will be wonderful but youmustn't have this baby I won't have anabortionDorothy shouted you won't need anoperation the young man replied quietlyyou'll only have to take some pills Ican get them from a guy in one of myclasses his uncle owns a drugstore herein Blue River he held the unhappy youngwoman in his arms again for the nexthour he whispered in her ear he told hermany things that she wanted to hear atlast he looked at his watch you must goback to your dormitory he said it'snearly ten o'clock I'll meet youtomorrow evening under the tree outsidethe pharmacy laboratory I'll meet you ateight o'clockI'll bring the pills thenwhen his girlfriend had gone thehandsome young man put his hands overhis face Oh God he said desperately he'dplanned everything so carefully but he'dbeen careless about one thinghe'd only made love with Dorothy oncehe'd had to make her believe that heloved her but he'd been careless and nowshe was pregnant I can't marry her ifshe's pregnant he told himself I willnot live in a trailer with Dorothy and ababy the young man was desperate becausehe wanted to marry Dorothy kingship hewanted to marry her because she was richhe wanted to marry her because herfather was the owner of kingship copperincorporated when the young man hadfound out that a young woman in hiseconomics and philosophy classes was oneof Leo kingships daughters his life hadchanged he had begun to think of anexciting future for himself he hadthought of a future with lots of money abeautiful house and a good job withkingships big successful company soonafter meeting Dorothy he had written tothe offices of kingship copper and askedfor some information about the companythe kingship offices in New York Cityhad sent him some brochures he kept themat the bottom of a drawer in his deskevery night he took the brochures outand he read them every night he lookedat the photos of the great kingshipsmelting works in Illinois and he readabout how much money the company hadearned in the last year the handsomeyoung man wanted a good future very muchhis early life had not been easy he hadbeen born in a little town of Manassehnear Fall River Massachusetts he was anonly child he had no brothers or sistershis parents had been poor his mother hadhated her husband because he had neverhad a good job her son had become themost important thing in her life she wasinterested only in him his father wasdead now and his mother still thoughtthat the young man was the mostimportant thing in her life by the timehe was 18 the young man had started tobelieve that all women were like hismother lots of women had been interestedin himthey liked him because he was veryhandsome usually they were older womenwith plenty of money they had enjoyedmaking love with him but their interestin him had never lasted very long eachtime another handsome young man hadreplaced him after a few months now hehated women but he was still happy tospend their money why did Dorothy getpregnant he asked himself angrily she'sa stupid young fool the young man was 24years old five years older than Dorothyhe was older than most of the otherstudents at Stoddard University he hadbeen in the US Army for a few yearsbefore he came to Stoddard he had foughtin the Far East in 1945 the last year ofthe war that was where he had learnedthat it was easy to destroy livesalthough he was angry with Dorothykingship the young man suddenly felt alittle sorry for her she was a verypossessive person and possessive peoplewere difficult people to like the weekbefore Dorothy had told him aboutanother of her boyfriendsa Stoddard student who'd she'd spent alot of time with this student had brokenup with her before Christmas because shebecome too serious and too possessiveabout him possessive women frightenedmen the young man thought but heunderstood the reason for Dorothy'spossessiveness her early life had beenvery different from his dorothy was notan only childshe had two sisters but her parents hadbeen unhappy like his after the firstyears of her marriage Dorothy's motherhad been in love with another man for ashort time eight years later Leokingship found out about thisrelationship he had not been able toforgive his wife he divorced heralthough by then she was very ill thethree girls stayed with their father andsoon after the divorce their mother diedLeo kingship had never been a kindloving father and after her mother'sdeath Dorothy was afraid of being aloneshe had always tried to make people likeher she still did that Dorothy hadthe handsome young man I'm sure that myfather will like you when he meets youbut she had often talked about herfather he was a hard man he neverforgave people if he thought that theyhad done wrong the young man was surethat Leo kingship would never forgivehis youngest daughter for gettingpregnant and he would never forgive herif she got married without hispermission what will I do if she won'thave an abortion the young man askedhimself there was one thing that he washappy abouthe had always met Dorothy secretlyneither of them had told any of theother students that they were meetingeach other in the evenings he didn'tthink that any of them knew about therelationship and he was sure thatDorothy hadn't told her family about himyetalthough Dorothy had two older sistersshe didn't see them very often theeldest sister Marian had a job in NewYork City where Leo kingship also livedDorothy never wrote to Marion or phonedher Ellen the middle sister was atCaldwell college Caldwell was a hundredmiles from blue river in the state ofWisconsin the young man knew about thesisters because Dorothy had told him alot about her family and he knew that atChristmas Dorothy had argued with Ellenthey hadn't spoken to each other sincethen Dorothy won't tell anybody elseabout the baby the young man toldhimself if the pills work everythingwill be okay[Pk movie ]chapter 2 the pharmacy laboratory onMonday evening the young man met Dorothyon the campus near the pharmacylaboratory he gave her two white pillsthat he had gotten from his friend youmust take both of them he told her takethem tonight you'll probably have afever for an hour or two and you'llprobably throw up but then you'll abortthe baby what will we do if the pillsdon't work Dorothy asked him nervouslydon't worry darlingthe young man replied he smiled if theydon't work we'll get married right awaythe Aarthi put the pills in her pocketdo you want to go to a movie tonightshe asked I'm sorry I have to do a lotof work for my Spanish class the youngman said I'll help you Dorothy saidquickly I'll come to your room with youDorothy was good at Spanish she was astudent in an advanced Spanish class noI'll be ok he said go home and take thepills now then you'll be okay in themorning Dorothy didn't understand thehandsome young man wasn't good atSpanish but usually he didn't care aboutit why did he want to do extra work forhis class now and why wouldn't he lether help him she was puzzled Dorothydidn't argue with him she went back toher dormitory she sat on her bed and shelookedthe two big white pills I could lie tohim she said to herself he would neverfind out about it I could tell him thatI'd taken the pills and that they didn'twork if I did that he'll marry me soonwe'd be happy whatever my father saysbut Dorothy didn't want to lie to herboyfriend they were going to get marriedsoon and lying wasn't a good way tostart a marriageshe got a glass of water from thebathroom closed her eyes and took thepills an hour later she had a fever anda terrible pain in her stomach afteranother hour she threw up but the nextmorning she was still pregnanton Tuesday morning at 2 minutes after9:00 the handsome young man was sittingin a lecture room on the campus hewasn't really listening to what thephilosophy lecturer was saying he wasthinking about Dorothy where was she shewas a philosophy student too but shehadn't come to the lecture this morningwas that good the friend who had soldhim the pills hadn't been sure that theywould work if your girlfriend is 2months pregnant it might be too latehe'd said these pills are really forpeople who are only a few weeks pregnantbut she can try them can't she perhapsshe aborted the baby in the night thehandsome young man thought nervouslyperhaps Dorothy isn't feeling wellenough to come to classes this morningbut at a quarter after 9:00 the door ofthe room opened quietly and Dorothy camein she was very pale she sat down nextto the young man and put her books onher desk she wrote a few words on a pageof her notebook tore out the page andpassed it to him the pills didn't work Ihad a fever and I threw up all night butI'm still pregnantthe young man closed his eyes he triednot to show his anger and despair aftera moment he opened his eyes again and hesmiled at Dorothy he quickly wrote a fewwords on a page of his own notebookdon't worry we'll get married this weekhe smiled at Dorothy again and he showedher the page but he didn't tear it outof the notebook the young manwas thinking hard Dorothy would want toget married right awayhe needed some time to think of anotherplan Oh Godhe thought I wish that the pills hadkilled her and as soon as he had thoughtthat something inside him changedsuddenly he felt calm he was in controlof his future again when the class endedthe two young people left the lectureroom together we have to talk the youngman said let's go into the town centerwe can have some coffee there I won't goto any more classes today and you don'thave any more classes till the afternoonDorothy was still pale but she was happyand excitedlet's get married tomorrow she said nothat's too soon darling the young manreplied we have to find somewhere cheapto live we can't live in my little roomthere's a trailer park on the other sideof town some of the married studentslive there I'll talk to somebody aboutrenting one of the trailers we'll getmarried on Friday then we can have aweekend together at a hotel and moveinto the trailer on Monday do we have towait till Friday to get married Dorothyasked it's only a few more days theyoung man said okay alright to my sisterEllen tonight Dorothy said I'd like totell her my news right away that's not agood idea Dorothy the young man said ifyou tell Ellen about our plans she'lltell your father about them he might tryto stop our wedding you can phone yourfamily after the wedding on Fridaythey argued for a couple of minutes butfinally Dorothea agreed the two youngpeople walked to the town center theydrank coffee in a little restaurantthere then Dorothy left the restaurantto go back to the campusthe young man watched her leave I'mgoing to have to kill her he toldhimself but everybody must think thather death is an accident or perhaps asuicide yes people must think that shekilled herself poor Dorothyhalf an hour later the young man wassitting in the university library on hisdesk were books about famous murders andbooks about toxicology he read themquietly for a while writing notes in hisnotebook when he left the library he hada list of five poisons any one of themwould kill a person quickly now he hadto get a small amount of one of thesepoisons drugstores were not allowed tosell poisons but the young man knew oneplace where he could get them StoddardUniversity's pharmacy laboratory theyoung man had never been into thelaboratory but he knew that there was astoreroom for chemicals in its basementall the chemicals which were needed forthe pharmacy students experiments werekept there and the final year studentshad keys to the storeroom the final yearstudents often did experiments without ateacher the young man had to get intothat room so he'd have to pretend to bea final year pharmacy student from thelibrary he walked to the campusbookstore on the wall of the store was alist of the books which students studiedfor their classes he looked at the listfor a minute then he bought a copy ofthe textbook which all final-yearpharmacy students had to use it was atall thin book with a green cover hebought some white envelopes to a quarterof an hour later the young man wasstanding in the basement corridor of thepharmacy laboratory he was pretending toread the notices on a bulletin boardwhich was next to the locked door of thestoreroomhe was holding the tall green text bookunder his arm together with a notebookand the envelopeshe wanted one of the real pharmacystudents to open the storeroom door forhim but that wouldn't be a problem therewere hundreds of pharmacy students soonone of them would come to the storeroomthe student wouldn't recognize the youngman but this wouldn't be a problemeither they couldn't all know oneanother there were three largefinal-year pharmacy classes whoever cameto the storeroom would see the young manstanding in the corridor with the finalyear textbook whoever came would thinkthat he was a final year student but astudent in a different class the youngman told himself this and he tried tolook calm and relaxed but he was verynervous he didn't plan a murder everyday after a few minutes a pretty femalestudent came along the basement corridorshe took a bunch of keys from her purseat the same moment the young man tookhis own bunch of keys from his pocketand pretended that he was trying to findthe key to the storeroomthe pretty young woman smiled at himI'll open the door she said and a momentlater they were both inside thestoreroom all around the room wereshelves full of bottles the bottlescontained chemicals some of thechemicals were powders and some wereliquids each bottle had a white labelwith black letters which identified thecontents some of the labels also had thepicture and the word poison in redletters the young man put the greentextbook and his notebook on a desk heopened them and he pretended to read andtake notes soonthe young woman had found what shewanted she put some powder from one ofthe bottles into a small glass containerthen she went to the door goodbye shesaid as she left the room as soon as shehad gone the young man started to readthe labels on all the bottles in aminute he had found the bottle that hewas looking for white arsenic AAS 406poison was written on the labelhe opened the bottle and he poured someof the powder into one of his envelopesthen he found a bottle of empty gelatincapsules and he put a few of them intoanother envelope a minute later he waswalking away from the pharmacylaboratory he was no longer nervous hewas calm and relaxed again his plan wasgoing to work[Pk movie ]Chapter three the notethat evening in his small room near thecampus the young man made the arsenicpills each empty gelatin capsule had twopieces a smaller one and a larger onethe young man carefully opened two ofthe capsules he carefully filled the twosmaller pieces of gelatin with arsenicpowder then he carefully pushed thelarger pieces of gelatin over thesmaller ones he had read about whitearsenic in the toxicology books he knewthat the amount of arsenic in the twocapsules was about 10 times the lethaldose they contained ten times the amountof arsenic which was necessary to killsomeone now he had the pills but hehadn't started to think about the nextpart of his plan he had to make Dorothytake the pills well that wouldn't be toodifficult but unless the police believedthat Dorothy had killed herself theywould start asking questions on thecampus they would ask where the poisonhad come from then perhaps the prettyyoung pharmacy student might rememberseeing a stranger in the storeroom thepolice would show her photos of all thestudents in Dorothy's classes thatmustn't happen he had to make Dorothywrite a suicide note that was thedifficult problem when he went to bedthat night the young man still didn'thave a solution to his problem and hedidn't have much time to find one he hadtold Dorothy that he'd marry her onFriday if he didn't marry her by Fridayafternoon she would become suspiciousshe would write to her sister Ellen andtell her about the babythen he'd have to leave college and moveto another state andthat wasn't the future that he'd plannedfor himself but he wasn't going to livein a trailer with a wife that he didn'tlove and a noisy smelly baby Dorothywould have to die before Fridayafternoonthe next day was Wednesday all morningthe handsome young man worried about hisproblem he found the solution during thelast class of the afternoon the lastclass was Spanish the students werestudying a romantic novel called la casade las Flores Negras the young man hatedthe book but while he was trying totranslate a passage from the novel hefound the solution to his problem and assoon as he found it he was very happywhen the Spanish class ended he metDorothy by the pharmacy laboratory andhe took her to a movie after that theywent to a restaurant they had coffee andcheeseburgers Dorothy the young man saidas she finished her coffee will you lendme the photo that I gave you I want toget a copy of it for my mother Dorothyopened her purse and took out a smallphotograph of the handsome young man thewords to Dorothy with all my love werewritten across the bottom of it she gaveit to him I'll give it back to you nextweek he said ok but please take care ofit she replied I want to keep it foreverwhen they left the restaurant the youngman took her back to his room and madelove with her he felt sorry for her thiswas only the second time that they hadmade love but it would be the last timetoo as soon as she had gone back to herdormitory the young man burned the photohe didn't want the police to findanything that connected him with Dorothythe young man's first class on Thursdaywas economics dorothy was a student inthis class tooshe came into the room as the lecturerwas starting to speak she sat next tothe young man and she smiled at himhappily the young man wrote some wordson a page of his notebook he showed themto Dorothyplease take notes for me I have tofinish some Spanish translation for myclass this afternoon then for 20 minuteshe pretended to write a translation of apassage from La Casa de las FloresNegras in his notebook at the end ofthat time he stopped writing and helooked very puzzled for a minute thenthe young man tore a small piece ofpaper from his notebook he quickly drewa picture of Dorothy on one side of itthen he turned it over on the other sidehe wrote some words can you help me Idon't understand this querido espero queme pardon eres por la in felicidadcaicos ra no i ninguna otra cosa quepuedo hacer he passed the piece of paperto Dorothy she read the words quicklythen she turned the paper over she wasgoing to write the translation on theback but she saw the drawing and shesmiled she turned to a new page in herown notebook and wrote the translationon that she tore the page from the bookand passed it to the young man and as heread it he knew that everything wasgoing to be ok darling I hope that youwill forgive me for the unhappiness thatI will bring to you there is nothingelse that I can do nowhe had Dorothy's suicide noteduring the afternoon the young man wentto a room on the campus where there wereseveral typewriters any Stoddard studentcould use these he typed an address onone of his white envelopes miss Ellenkingship North dormitory Caldwellcollege Caldwell Wisconsinthe young man met Dorothy after her lastclass of the afternoon I've just talkedto my friend the friend whose uncle ownsthe drugstore he began he told me thathe gave me the wrong pills on Monday theyoung man took an envelope from hispocket these are the right ones he saidyou must take them tonight but I don'twant to take any more pills Dorothy saidnervouslyI want to get married tomorrow Dorothylisten to methe young man said if we have this babynowit will grow up in a trailer it willhave a bad start in life because itsparents will be poorplease take the pills Dorothy will getmarried soon anyway but I want to meetyour father first then we'll have somemoney we won't have to live in a trailerwe can live in a real house we'll be sohappy and we can have a baby next toyour darling no Dorothy said miserablyshe started to cry no no Dorothy pleasedo this for me the young man saidputting his arms around her I know thatyou want the baby but you're onlythinking about yourself you aren'tthinking about me or the child don'tgive our first child a bad start in lifesuddenly his voice was cold if you won'ttake the pills Dorothy I won't marry youyou'll have to ask your father for helpwhat will he say they talked for half anhourfinally Dorothy took the envelope fromhim take the pillat about 10 o'clock this evening theyoung man said if these pills don't workI'll marry you tomorrow afternoon Ipromise you that then he held her handfor a moment and he left her slowly andsadly she walked towards her dormitoryat a quarter after ten that night thehandsome young man went to a telephonebooth in the street near his room hephoned Dorothy's room at the dormitorydid you take the pills he asked her yesshe said I took them at ten o'clockthank you darling he said my friend saidthat you will probably feel some painhalf-an-hour after you've taken them youmustn't worry about itdon't tell anybody the pain will soon goyou'll be okay in the morning good nightdarlingI'll see you tomorrow good night shereplied I love youthe young man put Dorothy's translationfrom La Casa de las Flores Negras intothe envelope with her sister Ellen'saddress on the front then he dropped theenvelope into a mailbox he smiled as hewalked back to his room[Pk movie ]chapter for the Municipal Building thehandsome young man was early for hisfirst class on Friday morning thephilosophy lecturer hadn't arrived yetthree girls were talking in a corner ofthe room they were excited aboutsomething and the young man was worriedwere they talking about Dorothy hadsomebody found her dead body alreadythat would be badDorothy's sister Ellen wouldn't get thenote until after three o'clock thatafternoonif Dorothy's body was found before thatthe police would come to the campus andask all the students in Dorothy'sclasses questions the young man hadhoped that nobody would start to worryabout Dorothy until the evening as soonas Ellen got the note she would phonethe university office then the policewould be sure that Dorothy had killedherself even before they went to thedormitory then they wouldn't askquestions in her classes the lecturerarrived and everybody sat down thehandsome young man tried to forget hisworries he tried to listen to thelecturers words after a few minutes heheard the door of the room open and heheard somebody come in he didn't turnhis head but when somebody sat down nextto him he looked around suddenly hewanted to scream his skin felt cold andhe thought that he was going to throw upDorothy smiled at him and passed him apiece of paper he waited a few momentsthen he read the words on ittheooh pills didn't work either Oh Godthe young man thought desperately whydid I trust her she didn't take thepills she wants to get married rightawayso she didn't take the pills and at 3o'clock her sister will get the notethen she'll phone the campus and thenthey'll be trouble he stopped listeningto the lecturer and he started to thinkhard about his problem the suicide notewas on its way to Caldwell he couldn'tchange that he looked at his watch itwas ten o'clock the note would reachDorothy's sister's dormitory at 3o'clock that afternoon so in the next 5hours Dorothy has to die the young mantold himself and everybody must thinkthat she killed herself what can I dobut soon he had an idea and he felt calmagainDorothy believed that she was going tobe married that afternoon and people inblue river often got married at theMunicipal Building the marriage licensebureau was there people had to go to thebureau to get a license before theycould be married and there was a judge'soffice in the building too if two peopledidn't want to marry in a church thejudge could marry them as soon as theyhad their license and the MunicipalBuilding is the highest building in thetown the young man thought it's 14stories highif someone jumped from the top of itthey would certainly dieat the end of the philosophy class theyoung man spoke quickly to Dorothy we'llget married today darling he said willyou wait for me by the pharmacylaboratory I have to call somebody Iwon't be long then we can make our plansthe young man went to a phone boothhe asked the operator for the number ofthe marriage license bureau he dialedthe number is this the marriage licensebureau he asked when somebody answeredwhen is the Bureau open today please theclerk told him that the Bureau would beopen until 12 o'clock and then from oneo'clock to five o'clock in the afternoonthe bureau would be closed for an hourbetween 12:00 and 1:00 that was when theclerk's went out for their lunch a fewminutes later the young man met Dorothyoutside the laboratory she lookednervous he smiled at her we'll getmarried right away darling he said don'tworry about the baby everything will beokay oh I'm so happy that you aren'tangry about the baby she replied I wantto marry you so much we have to go tothe Municipal Building to get thelicense the young man said let's gothere at about half-past twelve you'llhave to show a clerk your birthcertificate don't forget to bring itokay I have to get some clothes from thedormitory and I have to buy some glovesdorothy replied I'll meet you here atquarter after twelve she kissed him andshe walked quickly awaywhen Dorothy met him again she waswearing a beautiful green suit a greenbelt a white blouse a blue scarf andwhite gloves she had put on some brightred lipstick my birth certificate is inmy purse Dorothy said I'm so happy theyrode on a bus towards the town center itwas 20 to 1 when they arrived at theMunicipal Building as they reached itthe young man saw something that worriedhim he'd never looked at the buildingcarefully before now he saw that thesides of the 14 storey tower were notcompletely straight stories 7 to 12weren't as wide as stories 1 to 6 andthe top two stories weren't as wide asstories 7 to 12if the roof of the 12th story is verywide I might have a problem the youngman told himself everything is goingwrong today the two young people enteredthe building in the lobby they looked ata list of the offices on each story themarriage license bureau was on the sixthstory they got into an elevator and theywent up they got out of the elevator atthe 6th story and they quickly found thedoor of the marriage license bureauthere was a sign on the door the bureauwas closed until 1:00 o'clock I'm sorryDorothy the young man said I'm so stupidwhy didn't I check then he smiled I havean ideahe said let's try to get up to the roofthe view from there must be wonderfulthey walked back to the elevator andthey went up to the 14th story when theygot out they saw an iron door oppositethe elevator the young man pulled itopen beyond the door were some ironstairsthe young man closed the door behindthem and they started to climb at thetop of the stairs was another iron doorit hadn't been opened for a long timeand it didn't move easily but the youngman pushed it very hard and at last itdid open Dorothy and the young mansmiled at each other as they walked outonto the roof we're so high up hereDorothy said near the door was a tallmetal frame at the top of this was thered light which the young man could seefrom his window every night the handsomeyoung man looked around himeach side of the roof was about 150 feetwide all around the edge was a brickwall about three and a half feet highand a foot thick but the building wasn'tsolid in the middle it had a big squareair shaft each side of the air shaft wasabout thirty feet wide there was a brickwall around the air shaft - it was thesame height and thickness as the outerwall come to the edge Dorothy the youngman said look at the view of Blue Riverhe led her to the outer edge of the roofwhile Dorothy was looking out over thetown the young man looked down only twostories below them was a wide stoneledge it was the roof of the 12th storyif she only falls onto that roof shewon't be killed he thought I'll have topush her into the air shafthe led Dorothy back towards the middleof the roof he leaned over the wall ofthe air shaft the sides of the shaftwere straight he could see the ground 14stories below him suddenly he felt goodnothing else will go wrong he toldhimself everything will be okay nowlet's sit on this wall and smoke acigarette while we waithe said the bureau will open again in 15minutes he took Dorothy's purse and heput it down near the wall he lifted herup until she could sit on the wall thenhe got up too and sat beside her he litfor both of them they smoked silentlyfor a few minutes then they talked abouttheir future in the trailer parkit will be fun Dorothy said we'll have ahome of our own she finished smoking hercigarette and dropped the end of it ontothe roof next to the wall the young manlooked at the cigarette end he saw thered lipstick on it he smiled and hethrew his own cigarette end into the airshaft he jumped down dorothy was stillsitting on the wallthe young man held both her handsI'm so happy those pills didn't workdarling he said you're right it will befun in the trailer do you really thinkthat she asked are you really happy thatthe pills didn't work yes Dorothyhe replied I want to have this baby tooI know that now he smiled this was thetime to push her but there was somethingthe young man wanted to hear first hewas going to kill her anywaybut this would give him an extra reasonhe knew what she was going to say nextthere's something I must tell youDorothy said I lied to you I didn't takethose pills last night I threw them intothe toilet I wanted to get married toyou so much will you forgive me darlingI her last word turned into a scream ofTerror as the young man pushed her withall his strength she fell backwards offthe wall into the air shaft screaming asshe fellyoung man was already running towardsthe iron door when he heard Dorothy'sbody hit the bottom of the shaft threeminutes later he was in the street hewas walking slowly away from theMunicipal Building after another minutehe saw an ambulance going towards thebuilding part two Ellenchapter 1 on the trainMarch 1951 it was nine o'clock in themorning Ellen kingship was sitting in atrain on her way to blue river Iowa shehad been writing a letter to bud Corlissbud was her boyfriend like Ellen he wasa student at Caldwell college Ellenstarted to read what she had writtendear bud I'm going to be away fromCaldwell for a few daysplease don't worry about me I havedecided to travel to Blue River there'ssomething I have to do thereperhaps I should have told you about itbefore I left I didn't tell you becauseI wanted to start it on my own you askedme not to go to Blue River again I knowthat you were trying to help me I knowthat you didn't want me to be upset Ihope that you won't be angry with me budand I hope that you'll help me when Ineed your help I've often told you howunhappy I was when my sister died nearlya year ago and you know that since Ifirst met you at Caldwell last fall youhave made me feel much happier you'vebeen so good to me bud but I can't stopthinking about Dorothy I've beenthinking about her death a lot recentlyand I've discovered something terriblemy sister didn't kill herself she wasmurdered you will say that's stupid thepolice said that Dorothy killed herselfthe police know best but the policedon't know some things that I know nowit's truethat Dorothy's death couldn't have beenan accident the wall around the airshaft of the Municipal Building was morethan three and a half feet highDorothy couldn't have fallen into theair shaft accidentally but why did thepolice think that Dorothy killed herselfthere were four reasons one I hadreceived a note from Dorothy on the daythat she died the police said that itwas a suicide note but there wassomething wrong about that letterDorothy had never called me darling shealways wrote dear Ellen or dearest Ellenand the letter didn't really talk aboutsuicide it only said that somethingwhich Dorothy was going to do was goingto make me unhappy the letter said thatshe was sorry for that toothe police found Dorothy's purse at thetop of the Municipal Building and herbirth certificate was in it the policesaid she left the birth certificatethere so that we could identify hereasily three the police also found theend of a cigarette with Dorothy'slipstick on it at the top of thebuilding they thought that she had goneto the top of the building smoked acigarette to make herself calm thenjumped into the air shaft for the doctorwho looked at her dead body discoveredthat Dorothy was two months pregnant sothe police thought that she had killedherself because she was pregnantnone of the newspaper reports ofDorothy's death said that she waspregnant that was because our fatherpaid people to keep that information outof the newspapers the police knew thatthey knew thathe hated the idea of unmarried womenbeing pregnant so the police thoughtthat Dorothy was afraid to tell ourFather about the babyDorothy was going to have a baby so shemust have had a boyfriend none of herfriends knew who the child's father wasthey hadn't seen her with a boyfriendsince Christmas but she was two monthspregnant in April so she must have had arelationship with someone until Februaryat least my father said it isn't strangethat this man hasn't told the policeabout his relationship with Dorothy hemust know that she was pregnant if hetalks to the police they will say thatDorothy's death was his fault I agreedwith this at the time and I wasn'tsurprised when the police didn't try tofind the father of Dorothy's childmaking somebody pregnant isn't a crimein this country and I wasn't surprisedthat Dorothy hadn't told me about herpregnancy we'd argued at Christmas andshe hadn't written to me since then butI did wonder who the father of her babywas a few weeks before we argued Dorothytold me about a student who she liked alot he was in her English class she saidthat he was tall blonde and veryhandsomewas he the father of the baby the policethought that my sister had killedherself so they weren't interested inany of her boyfriends and there weresome other things that the policeweren't interested in some very strangethings the police didn't know Dorothy sothey didn't understand that these thingswere strange but in the last few weeks Ihave tried to understand these thingsEllen stopped reading for a moment butwill be angry with me for visiting BlueRiver she thought but he'll understandhe will help me when I need his help shestarted reading again a few hours beforeDorothy died she borrowed a belt fromone of her friends in the dormitory whydid she borrow a belt if she was goingto kill herself the police askedthemselves that but they didn't thinkthe question was very important theysaid she was unhappy she didn't knowwhat she was going to do but there wasanother question which the police didn'task themselvesI took Dorothy's things from her room atthe dormitory after her death I foundsomething there which puzzled me Dorothyhad owned a belt exactly like the onethat she had borrowed from her friend itwas still in her room so why did sheborrow her friend's belt when she dieddorothy was wearing a pair of new whitegloves she had bought them at a store inBlue River on the morning of the day shedied they were very cheap gloves andthey weren't very pretty but in her roomDorothy had a beautiful pair ofexpensive white gloves why did she buy acheap pair of white gloves that day whenshe already had a beautiful pair in herroom the police talked to the owner ofthe store where Dorothy had bought thegloves the woman said that Dorothy hadfirst asked for a pair of whitestockings the store didn't have anywhite stockings so she bought the whitegloves instead the woman said I thinkshe wanted something new that day shedidn't care whether it was a pair ofstockings or a pair ofdorothy was wearing a beautiful greensuit that friday it was her best suitand she was very proud of it but she wasalso wearing a very old white blousethe blouse didn't look good with thesuit it was the wrong style and Dorothyhad several much newer white blouses inher room they would have looked goodwith the suit dorothy was very carefulabout her clothes she dressed verynicely so why was she wearing that oldwhite blouse and there was anotherstrange thing when she dieddorothy was wearing a bright blue scarfwith her green suit and her brown shoesa scarf didn't look good with her otherclothes and dorothy had some scarves inher room which would have looked goodwith the green suit for weeks now I havebeen asking myself these questions whydid Dorothy borrow the belt from herfriend when she already owned oneexactly like it why was she wearing thatold blouse with her new suit why was shewearing the blue scarf and why did shebuy a new pair of white gloves when shealready had some better ones I askedmyself these questions and I told myselfthere is a message here from Dorothy youmust try to understand the message thentwo days ago I asked myself thequestions in a different order I askedmyself why was Dorothy wearing the oldblouse why did she buy the new gloveswhy did she borrow the belt and why didshe wear the blue scarf with her greensuit and suddenlyI did understand bud do you know the oldpoem about what a bride has to wear onher wedding day the poem says that ifshe wears these things she will be luckythe poem says that a bride must wearsomething old something new somethingborrowed something blue the police saidthat Dorothy had gone to the MunicipalBuilding because she wanted to killherself they said she wanted to jumpfrom a high building and the MunicipalBuilding is the highest building in thetown but I've discovered something elsethe Municipal Building is also thebuilding which contains the marriagelicense bureau that's where people go ifthey want to get married and if someonewants to get married they have to show aclerk at the bureau their birthcertificate and now I've looked again atDorothy's letter to me her words mightbe saying that she's sorry for gettingmarried without telling me first there'sone more thing I've discovered that themarriage license bureau closes between12:00 and 1:00 o'clock each day it was10 minutes to 1 when Dorothy fell fromthe roof I now think that this is whathappened last April Dorothy had told herboyfriend that she was pregnant he toldher that he was going to marry her onthe day she died he told her that he wastaking her to the marriage licensebureau then he took her to the top ofthe Municipal Building because theBureau was closed for lunchhe waited while she smokedcigarette then he pushed her into theair shaftwell but all this is the reason why Ihave left Caldwell for a few days I'm onmy way to Blue River I'm on the trainnow I'm going to talk to the professorof English at Stoddard University I'mgoing to be a detective I want to findout about handsome blond students inDorothy's English class I want todiscover who Dorothy's boyfriend wasdon't worry about me bud I'll be verycareful I've seen lots of movies where abrave girl detective discovers theidentity of a murderer she always tellshim that she knows the truth about himand he says now you know the truth soI'm going to kill you if I findDorothy's boyfriend I won't talk to himbud I only want to know who he isthen I'll tell my father about all thisand my father will talk to the policeEllen finished reading what she hadwritten and she looked out of the windowthe train was arriving at Blue River inthe distance she could see the MunicipalBuilding she added a few words to herletter I'll write to you again soonI might know more by then wish me luckbud love from Ellen[Pk movie ]chapter two the two blondesEllen quickly found a hotel in blueriver and she took a room for a few daysshe unpacked her bag then she phoned theEnglish department at StoddardUniversity she spoke to the professor ofEnglish and told him that she wasDorothy kingships sister she said thatshe wanted to talk to him about Dorothythe professor remembered Dorothy and heagreed to meet Ellen at one o'clockEllen wanted to ask the professor ifthere had been any handsome blondstudents in Dorothy's English class butshe couldn't tell him I think that oneof your students is a murderer theprofessor wouldn't believe her sheneeded to give him another reason forher questions a reason that he wouldbelieve she thought for a few minutesthen she had an ideaat one o'clock Ellen was talking to theprofessor of English he was a kind manhe wanted to help her a week before shediedEllen began Dorothy told me that she hadborrowed some money she'd borrowed itfrom one of the students in her Englishclass she was angry with our Father andshe didn't want to ask him for the moneyand she only needed it for a few weeksrecently I looked at all of Dorothy'scheckbooks I discovered that she didn'trepay that money now my father and Iwant to repay it for her yes Iunderstand that the professor said butwe have a problemEllen went on we don't know the name ofthe student Dorothy didn't tell me hisnameand he hasn't tried to talk to us maybehe didn't want to ask us for the moneyafter Dorothy killed herself maybe he isa kind person who didn't want to make usunhappy uh yes you do have a problemsaid the professor how can I help youDorothy didn't tell me the student'sname Ellen replied but I know that hewas in the same second-year Englishclass as Dorothy and she told me that hehad blond hair and that he was tall andvery handsome if there are only a fewmale students from that class who areblond and handsome I'll try to talk toall of them the professor thought for amoment come with me he said he tookEllen to the university office and heasked her to sit down then he went to alarge closet and he took out about 40brown folders the students from yoursister's English class are in a thirdyear class now he saidthese are their personal files there arephotos of the students in these filesthe professor looked quickly into eachfolder and he put them into two piles onthe desk those are the female studentshe said pointing to the bigger pile thenhe pointed to the other pile these 17folders are for the male students nexthe looked more carefully through themale students files he divided them intotwo groups there are 17 men in the classhe said but 12 of them have dark hair sothere are only five blondes then heremoved three folders from the group offive nobody would call these threegentlemen handsome the professor saidsmiling so now we have two handsomeblond males here are their names andaddresseshe opened the two folders at their firstpages and put them in front of Ellen shecopied the students names and addressesinto a notebookGordan see Gantt 1312 West twenty-sixthStreet Dwight Powell 1520 Westthirty-fifth Street she gave the filesback to the professor why don't youwrite down their phone numbers too hesaid he read them to her and she addedthem to her notebook then she stood upThank You professor she said you've beenvery kindwhen Ellen called goGantz number the phone was answered by awoman is Gordon there Ellen asked no heisn'tthe woman replied suspiciously he's goneout he'll be out until late this eveningWho am I speaking to Ellen askedpolitely I'm mrs. Arquette the womanreplied this is my houseGordon rents a room here can I give hima message no thank youEllen said I'll call again later she putthe phone down she thought for a minuteif I go to mrs. Arquette's house maybeshe'll talk to me Ellen said to herselfI'll pretend to be one of Gordon Gant'srelatives I'll ask this woman aboutGordon's girlfriends maybe she'll tellme who he was meeting last winterthen I won't have to talk to him myselfhalf an hour later Ellen rang thedoorbell of the house at 1312 Westtwenty-sixth Street the woman who openedthe front door was small and thin shehad untidy gray hair Ellen smiled at heryou must be mrs. Arquette Ellen said isGordon here no he isn't herethe woman said suspiciously did he knowthat you were coming yes I'm Gordon'scousin Ellen said I wrote him a letter Itold him that I'd be in Blue River todayI told him that I'd come to visit himfor an hour he didn't tell me about itmrs. Arquette said maybe he didn't getyour letter but please come in and sitdown for a while I'm happy to meet oneof Gordon's relatives Gordon's a fineyoung man the woman smiled suddenly comeinto the living room she said I'll makesome coffeeEllen followed her into the houseGordon's at the radio station mrs.Arquette said when they were sitting inher living room with coffee in front ofthem did you know about his radioprogram he did tell me something aboutit Ellen replied he's a disc jockey onthe Blue River radio station mrs.Arquette said he plays records for twohours every night except SundaysGordon's a very busy young man he's atcollege most of the day and then in theevenings he's on the radiois he happy no mrs. Arquette Ellen askedI think that he was very unhappy a yearago when I last saw him I don't rememberthatthe woman replied she thought for amoment no I don't remember thatthat he'd broken up with a girl someonehe liked a lot Ellen said I think thather name was Dorothy do you remember agirl named Dorothy no I don't said mrs.Arquette he met lots of girls but hedidn't have one special girlfriend and Idon't remember anyone named Dorothysuddenly Ellen wanted to leave the houseshe wasn't going to learn anything hereshe stood up well I'll go now she saidthank you for the coffeearen't you going to wait for Gordon mrs.Arquette said he'll be back in a fewminutes in a few minutes but you told methat he'd be out until late this eveningsaid Ellen you told me that when Iphoned as she spoke the words she knewthat she had said the wrong thing wasthat you who phoned earlier said mrs.Arquette you didn't say that you wereGordon's cousin when you phoned Gordongets lots of calls from girls who hearhim on the radiothey all want to talk to him and meethim I always tell them that he'll be outall day now the woman was suspiciousagain but if you thought that Gordon wasgoing to be out all day why did you comehere she said I don't believe thatyou're Gordon's cousin who are you atthat moment they heard the front dooropen and someone came into the house I'mback mrs. Arquette a man's voice calledthe woman ran out of the room Ellenheard her whispering to someone she saysthat she's your cousin but I don'tbelieve her then the living room dooropened and a tall handsome young manenteredhe had short blonde hair he looked atEllen and she looked at him then theyoung man smiled cousin Hester he saidI'm happy to see you chapter 3 thedetectiveEllen ran past Gordon Gant and mrs.Arquette out of the front door and intothe street she saw a taxi and she wavedher arm at it the taxi stopped and shejumped inshe told the driver the address of herhotel then she lay back in the seat herbody was shakinghalf an hour later sitting in her hotelroom she was feeling a little better butshe was angry with herself I was sostupid she thought her afternoon had notbeen successfulshe hadn't discovered anything whichhelped her and now because of the liesshe had told she wouldn't be able tospeak to mrs. Arquette again and shewouldn't be able to speak to Gordon Gantagain I can try to find out about theother man Dwight Powell she told herselfbut if I find out that Powell wasn'tDorothy's boyfriend I'll have to go backto Caldwell because if Gordon Gant isthe murderer he won't let me discoveranything newhe'll know what I'm trying to do and ifhe is the killer he might try to kill mefrom her purse she took the letter whichshe had written to bud on the train sheput it on a table by the window she haddecided to add a few more lines to itbefore she mailed it at that momentsomeone knocked on the door of her roomclean towels for you said a hi femalevoice Ellen opened the door hello againsaid Gordon Gant I can pretend to besomeone else too he pushed past her intothe room and closed the door behind himplease don't shout for help he said ifyou do I'll tell the police about yourvisit to mrs. Arquette's house I won'thurt you I followed your taxi herebecause I want to know what's happeningwhy were you pretending to be my cousinwhy did you ask mrs. Arquette thosequestions about me I can't tell youEllen said please leave me alone she wasterrified butshe spoke Gant's saw the letter on thetable by the window he picked it up raninto the bathroom and locked the doorEllen started to cry please don't readthat letter she said miserably throughthe door it's privateGant didn't reply five minutes later hecame out of the bathroom he gave Ellenthe letter I understand now he said I'msorry am I on your list of handsomeblond students yes said Ellen quietlywhat's your name Gant asked her pleasetell me I'm Ellen kingship she repliedlisten to meGant said I didn't know your sister Isaw her in English class but until shedied I didn't know her name I didn'tkill her there were other blonde men inthat class Ellen but I'd like to helpyou will you let me help you he smiledat her Ellen wanted to believe his wordsbut she had to be sure the man whokilled her sistermust have been a good actor becauseDorothy had trusted him perhaps GordonGant was acting now no she replied Ican't let you help methere was a book on the table next tothe bed Gant picked it up you don'ttrust me he said but I swear on thisBible that I didn't kill your sister noI don't trust you Ellen said if you hadkilled her you'd swear on 20 Bibles thatyou weren't the murderer that's trueGant replied sadly okayI'll go now after Gordon Gant had leftEllen thought about him Gant hadn'ttried to hurt her and she didn't reallybelieve that he was the murderer DwightPowell was probably Dorothy's killer shehad to find out about him she sat downwith her letter to bud she picked up apen and wrote the address of her hotelafter her signature then she added a fewlines to the letter I've got a nice roomin this hotel in Blue River theprofessor of English was very helpful Ithink that I know now who killed Dorothyhis name is Dwight Powell and he livesat 1520 West thirty-fifth Street I'mgoing to find out about him tomorrowEllen went down to the lobby of thehotel and mailed the letter then shewent back to her room she filled thebath with hot water and she sat in itfor an hour listening to the Blue Riverradio station she heard Gordon Gant'svoice on the radio and when she heardhim say the next record is for my goodfriend Ellen from Caldwell she smiledthe next morning Ellen phoned the houseword Dwight Powell lived the owner ofthe house answered the phone Dwight isworking this morning the woman said whenEllen asked for Powell he has a job atFolgers coffee shop in the town centerEllen made a decision she was almostsure that Powell had been her sister'sboyfriend she would go to Folgers coffeeshop and talk to Powell about Dorothy ifhe didn't know that she was Dorothy'ssister he would have no reason to lie toher 10 minutes later Ellen walked intothe coffee shop it was clean andpleasant Powell was working behind thecounter Ellen had seen his photo in hisstudent file she recognized himimmediately she sat down at the counterI'd like a coffee and a cheeseburgerplease she said as she ate Powellstarted to talk to her I haven't seenyou here before he said do you live inBlue River I've been here a few daysEllen replied I want to get a job hereI'm a secretary Powell seemed a pleasantquiet young man but Ellen rememberedthat Dorothy's killer was a good actorthey talked for 10 minutes aboutPowell's life as a student at StoddardUniversity but he didn't talk aboutanybody named Dorothy until Ellen hadfinished her meal when you walked in youreminded me of someone he told her andI've been trying to remember who youremind me of now I have remembered shewas a girl in my class her name wasDorothy she was a nice girlhe smiled sadly as Ellen stood up toleavesaid are you free this evening can Itake you to a movie she thought for amoment maybe she could find out moreabout this young man okayshe said I'd like that he told her thathe would come to the lobby of her hotelat 8 o'clock what's your namehe asked Evelyn Kittridge she repliedokayPowell said I'll see you at 8 o'clockthen EvelynEllen was sitting in the lobby of thehotel at half-past seven she didn't wantDwight Powell to ask the clerk aboutsomeone named Evelyn Kittridge at fiveto eight Powell arrived he took Ellen toa movie theater in the town centerduring the movie he put his arm roundher shoulders and as they left thetheater he kissed her after the moviethe two young people went to arestaurant for some coffee then Powelltook Ellen back to her hotel they sat inthe lobby and talked for a while youtold me this morning that I reminded youof somebody Ellen said her name wasDorothy please tell me about her Dwightshe was a very nice girl Powell repliedshe was in my English class she was mygirlfriend for a few months why did youbreak up with herEllen asked she was very possessivePowell said she got too serious about meshe wanted to get married she was a nicegirl but I didn't want to marry herthey talked for a few more minutes thenpal stood up may I meet you againtomorrow nighthe asked we'll go to a dance okay Ellensaid I'd like thatcome here at half past 7:00 Powellkissed her and he left the hotel Ellenwent to her room she was in bed when thephone rang she picked it up she heardGordon Gant's voice I've been worriedabout you Gant said I thought you mightbe in dangerhave you talked to any other handsomeblond English students yes Ellen repliedI- Dwight Powell he's a strange person hetalked about somebody named Dorothy hesaid that she was his girlfriend for ashort time I'm sure that he was talkingabout my sister I think that he killedher he said that this girl wanted to getmarried but he didn't want to marry hermaybe that's why he killed her maybeyou're rightGant said are you going to meet himagain yes Ellen replied I'm going tomeet him again tomorrow evening butdon't worry about meI'll be safe he doesn't know who I am Itold him that my name was EvelynKittridge tomorrow I'll ask him somequestions about Dorothy's death maybe hewill tell me something that he couldn'thave read in the newspapers then I'll besure that he was the murderer please becareful Ellen Gant said okay I'll becareful Ellen said thank you for playinga record for me good night[Pk movie ]chapter 4 on the roof the next afternoonEllen went to the blue river municipallibrary she stayed there for severalhours she read all the reports ofDorothy's death that had been printed inthe Iowa newspapers if Dwight Powelltold her anything about Dorothy's deaththat hadn't been printed in the papersshe would know she would know that hewas the killerthat evening Ellen was again waiting inthe lobby of the hotel when DwightPowell arrivedI'm sorry Dwight she said to him I can'tgo to a dance this evening I have tovisit an attorney in the MunicipalBuilding he might have a job for me hetold me that he'd be there until halfpast eight will you come with me pleaseI won't have to talk to the man for longafter I've seen him we can come backhere and have a few drinks together okayEvelyn Powell said I'll go he didn'tlook happyEllen and Powell got out of the elevatorat the 14th story of the MunicipalBuilding the attorney's office is room1405 Ellen said it must be around thecorner she started to walk along thecorridor and Powell followed her she hadphoned the office that afternoon theattorney's secretary had told her thatthe office closed at five o'clock shehoped desperately that nobody would bethere now they soon found room 1405 asign on the door said Frederick Clausenattorney but the office was closed andthere were no lights on inside Ellenlooked at her watch angrily it's only 8o'clock she said when I spoke to mr.Clausen on the phone this afternoon hetold me that he would be here untilhalf-past eight I'll have to come backtomorrow they walked back along thecorridor then suddenly Ellen pointed toan iron door opposite to the elevatorthat must be the way to the roof shesaid let's go up there Dwight the viewwill be wonderful at night I want tolook at the Stars why don't we go to thedance Evelyn Powell said nervously westill have the time to do that no I wantto go to the roof Ellen said she openedthe door and she started to run up theiron stairsPowell followed her slowly a minutelater they were on the roofEllen was looking up at the night skyisn't it a beautiful night she said toPowell the moon is so big there are somany stars don't you love it up hereDwight I don't like high places EvelynPowell replied miserably I don't feelsafe up here Ellen walked to the outsideedge of the roof and looked over thewall are you afraid of falling DwightEllen said I heard that one of theStoddard students was killed here lastyear I read that she fell from the topof this building did she only fall twostories onto that roof did that littlefall kill her she didn't fall Powellsaid quietly she jumped and she didn'tjump there she jumped into the air shaftEllen's skin felt cold he knowssomething about Dorothy's death shethought but he could have read that inthe newspapers did you know the girl whodied Dwight she said aloud please EvelynI don't want to talk about itPowell replied but did you know herEllen asked againPowell waited a moment before he spokeyes he said sadly I knew her she was thegirl that I was telling you aboutyesterday she'd been my girlfriend I'vealways thought that Dorothy's death wasmy fault I broke up with her because shewas getting too serious then a fewmonths later she killed herself suddenlyEllen was very angry she wasn't afraidof this man you are lyingshe shouted Dorothy didn't kill herselfyou murdered her you made her pregnantand then you killed her you pushed herinto that air shaftPowell was frightened now Ellen couldsee that but he was puzzled2 pregnant hesaid was Dorothy pregnant I didn't knowthat the newspapersay that she was pregnant is that whyshe killed herself oh god that'sterrible she didn't kill herselfEllen screamed you killed her you killedmy sister your sister Powell said whoare you why have you brought me here myname is Ellen kingship Ellen said and Ibrought you here because I want to knowthe truth don't try to kill me -somebody knows that I'm here with you ifwe don't go down to the street in thenext five minutes he'll phone the policeI won't try to kill you miss kingshipPowell said sadly I've never killedanybodyplease tell me something how long hadDorothy been pregnant you know how longshe'd been pregnantEllen shouted she was two monthspregnant when she died that's why youkilled her two months Powell saidquickly oh then the baby wasn't minemiss kingship I broke up with Dorothybefore Christmas 1949 in January 1950 Iwent to college in New York City for ayear I wanted to get away from BlueRiver I didn't want to see Dorothy againI was in New York when she died I canprove that someone else made Dorothypregnant that wintersuddenly all Ellen's anger disappearedshe believed him II'm sorry Dwight she said Ohyou back to your hotel pal sit quietlyhalf an hour later Ellen and Powell weresitting in a quiet corner of the hotellobby there were screens around theirlittle table they didn't see the man whowas sitting at a table on the other sideof one of the screens the tall man in adark coat and a hat who was listening totheir conversation they were stilltalking about Dorothybut now Ellen was sure that Powellwasn't her sister's killera few days after I broke up with DorothyI saw her with another student Powellsaid he was tall and handsome he lookeda little like me somebody told me thatDorothy had been to the movies with hima few times we had broken up and Dorothywanted someone to love her she wantedthat very much I wasn't surprised thatshe found someone else so quicklywho was he Dwight Ellen asked perhaps hewas the father of the baby perhaps hewas Dorothy's killer I don't rememberhis namePowell said he wasn't in our Englishclass I didn't know him someone told methat he was in the same economics classas Dorothy and someone did tell me hisname once I wrote it in a notebook Ican't remember it now but if we go tothe house where my room is I'll find thenotebook for you oklet's go now Ellen said I'm sorry that Imade you go up on the roof tonightDwightDorothy's death wasn't your fault thetwo young people got up to leave thehotel they passed the table on the otherside of the screen but it was empty thetall man in the dark coat had alreadyleft Dorothy went to a phone booth shecalled the Blue River radio station shewanted to talk to Gordon Gant but thewoman who answered the phone told herthat Gant was busy can I give him amessage for you the woman asked yesEllen replied please tell him that Ellenkingship calledtell him Dwight Powell isn't the mantell him Powell knows about anotherstudent who might have been my sister'sboyfriend a studentwho wasn't in her English class tell himthat I'm going to mr. Powell's room nowto find the name of this student andplease tell mr. Gant that I'll call himlaterthe house where Dwight Powell lived wasempty when he arrived with Ellen he madethem both some coffee and he took Elleninto the living room wait here he saidI'll go up to my bedroom the name thatyou want is in one of my old collegenotebooks I won't be longPowell ran up the stairs and into hisclean tidy bedroomhe opened a drawer in his desk and hetook out a pile of notebooks he startedto look through them the names in one ofthese he said to himself there was atall Closet in one corner of the roomPowell didn't see its door openingslowly he didn't see Dorothy kingshipskiller inside the closet he didn't seethe man who was aiming a gun at himEllen heard a loud noise in the roomabove her she ran out of the living roomand towards the stairs at the top of thestairs she saw a tall handsome man shedidn't see the gun in his hand shedidn't see it because she was looking athis smiling face darling what are youdoing hereshe asked him what's happened to DwightI asked you not to come to Blue RiverEllen but Corliss said you should havelistened to me then he shot her threetimesthe third shot ended her scream ofterror[Pk movie ]part three Marion chapter 1 New YorkCity September 1951 Marion kingshiplived alone in a small apartment in NewYork City everything in it could havetold a visitor to the apartment aboutMarion's tastes her taste in books hertaste in pictures and her taste in pk movie but the only visitor who ever went tothe apartment was Marion's father hedidn't go there oftenand Leo kingship wasn't interested inhis daughter's tastes Marion had neverreally liked her father she was 10 yearsold when her parents divorced Marion hadbeen very upset about itEllen was only six then and Dorothy fivethe younger girls hadn't reallyunderstood why their mother had leftthem but Marion had known she'd decidedthen that her father was a cruel coldman and her mother's death soon afterthe divorce had increased Marion'sdislike of him Marion had lived with herfather and her sisters at Leo'sbeautiful house in New York City untilshe finished college she had been astudent at Columbia University in NewYork after college she moved to thesmall apartment where she now livedMarion had always wanted to work in anadvertising agency when she left collegeher father had tried to make her workfor the agency which looked after hiscompany's advertising he told thedirector of the agency to give hisdaughter a job but Marion had neverwanted her father's help she found a jobwith a much smaller advertising agencyshe didn't earn much money there but sheliked the job and she was happyafter she moved into her own apartmentMarion visited her father's house fordinner one evening a week they werealways polite but they didn't reallylike each othersoon after Marion left ColumbiaUniversity Ellen went to Wisconsin tostudy at Caldwell college and a yearlater Dorothy went to Iowa to study atStoddard University so Marion and herfather were usually alone together forthese weekly dinners nothing had changedbetween them after Dorothy's death Leowas angry because Dorothy had beenpregnant and he was angry because shehad killed herself he had paid people tokeep the news of the pregnancy out ofthe newspapers then he tried to forgetabout his youngest daughter afterEllen's murder Leo did try to be kindertowards Marion and she felt sorry forher father now she went to his housethree evenings a week instead of one shetried to like him more but she wasalways suspicious when Leo tried to bekind she didn't really trust him Marionkingship didn't really love anybody butshe had her apartment and she loved thatevery Saturday she spent the daycleaning it and she often dreamed thatone day a good kind man would visit herthere someone who would love her andtake care of her will he ever come sheoften asked herselfone Saturday morning in September Marianwas cleaning her apartment she wascleaning a table and she was looking upat her copy of Charles DeMuth paintingmy Egypt which hung on the wall above itthe muth was her favorite painter and myEgypt was her favorite painting thephone rangMarian answered it hello she said hellosaid a man's voice which Marian did notrecognize are you Marion kingship yesMarian answered who are you pleasemy name's Burton Corliss bud Corliss theman replied I knew your sister Ellen yesEllen told me about you mr. CorlissMarion said Marian remembered Ellen'sexcitement when she had spoken aboutthis man at Christmas I love him so muchMarian her sister had said he's so goodand kind I'd like to meet you misskingshipbut Corliss said gently I have a bookwhich belonged to Ellen she lent it tome a week before her death I'd like togive it to you may I bring it to yourapartment Marian thought quickly thisman wanted to give her something whichhad belonged to her sister that was kindof him but she didn't want him to cometo her apartment the apartment waswaiting for the special man who wouldvisit her one day I'm sorry mr. CorlissI have to go out soonshe lied perhapscould meet you this afternoon I'm goingshopping on Fifth Avenue I could meetyou in that area at 3 o'clock good replythe young man I'll wait for you by thestatue outside Rockefeller Center thenwe'll have a drink together goodbye misskingship goodbyeMarian said she put down the phoneMarian wasn't happy about the phone callSaturday was her special day she didn'twant to go out she didn't really want tomeet any of Ellen's friends and shedidn't want any of Ellen's books Ellenhad never liked the kinds of book thatMarian likedMarian enjoyed books by Proust flow bearand all the great 19th century novelistsEllen had like silly modern storiesstories that didn't have much meaning Iwon't stay with this man for long Marianthoughtbud Corliss recognized Marion kingshipwhen she was a hundred feet away fromwhere he was standing she looked likeboth her sisters he took her to a barand he bought drinks they sat at a smalltable and he gave her Ellen's book Iread it he said but I didn't like itvery muchit isn't the kind of book that I enjoyEllen's taste in books was verydifferent from mine books like thisdon't have much meaning do they no Ilike books by Proust flow bear Dickenswriters like that Marion smiled I likethem too she said Ellen told me that youwork for an advertising agency bud saidyes that's right Marion replied andyou're still at Caldwell no I leftcollege the young man replied but atChristmas you were a third-year studentlike Ellen weren't you Marion said whydidn't you stay for your final year wellmy father died a few years ago butreplied and my mother had to get a jobshe cleaned people's houses now I don'twant her to work any longer so I've cometo New York and I've got a job heremaybe I'll go back to college next yearand finish my studies then a few momentslater Marion stood up I have to go nowbut she said thanks for the drink whydon't you have another one bud asked Ihave to meet somebody else nowshe lied it's a business meeting Imustn't be late for it bud watchedMarion kingship leave the bar verycarefully he followed her he saw her goto an apartment building he waited forhalf an hour but she didn't come outagain a business meeting he said tohimself no she lives there he started towalk towards the poor part of the citywhere he rented a little room he knewwhere Marion kingship lived now he couldhide in the street near her buildingwhenever he wanted to he could followher wherever she wentfour months after he had killed Ellenkingship bud Corliss had been angry andafraid he'd been angry about the timehe'd spent on the King ships first onDorothy then on Ellen and he'd beenafraid about his future was he going tobe poor after everything he'd plannedhe'd wanted some of Leo kingships moneyso much and everything had gone wrong hehadn't wanted Dorothy to get pregnantand he told Alan not to go back to blueriver but the stupid fool wouldn'tlisten to him bud wasn't afraid of theBlue River police he was sure that theywould never connect him with the murdershe'd been very careful when Ellen'sletter arrived he decided that he had todo something quickly Ellen had almostlearned the truth about him and Dorothyfrom a closet in his room he'd taken thegun that he'd had since his years in thearmythen after dark he'd stolen a car andCaldwell and driven it to blue riverafter he'd killed Powell and Ellen hedrove quickly back to Caldwell he'dstopped for a moment on a bridge tothrow the gun into the Mississippi Riveryes he'd been very careful he'd worngloves at Dwight Powell's house thepolice wouldn't find buds fingerprintsthere and he'd left the car near theplace where he'd stolen it in the weeksafter the killings bud read the Iowanewspapers every day he read about thepolice investigation into the murders hesoon realized that the police weren'tgoing to discover the identity of thekiller and he read about a man namedGordon Gant who had lost his job as adisc jockey at the Blue River radiostationGant had tried to tell both the policeand Ellen's father that he had someinformation about the killings he'dtried to tell them that Dorothykingships death was a murder not asuicide and he'd tried to tell them thatEllen had been investigating hersister's deaththe police hadn't believed him so Ganthad started to say rude things aboutthem on his radio program the owner ofthe radio station had been angry aboutthat and the disk jockey lost his jobbud wasn't worried about Gant hecouldn't prove anything but when thecollege term finished in June bud wentunhappily back to his mother's house andmenasset that summer he argued with hismother every day he was rude and angryall the timethen one night he had an ideaperhaps the time he'd spent on Dorothyand Ellen had been useful they were deadnow but Marion kingship was still aliveand Leo kingship was still a rich manbud knew a lot about Marion kingshipDorothy had talked about her and Ellenhad talked about her he'd spent hourslistening to both of them talking abouttheir family Marion was very differentfrom her sisters he knew that she likedserious novels and classical pk movie she liked the paintings of artists whosenames he had never heard before but hadtaken a piece of paper and written on itall the things that he knew about Marionkingship Marion kingship she likesbooks Proust Flaubert Dickens etc playsBernard Shaw Tennessee Williams pk movie Stravinsky Bartok painters Renoir vanGogh Hopper her favorite painter isCharles DeMuth check spelling is it de mEU th food she likes Italian andArmenian food best things to do readbooks on painters read Proust Shaw andflow bear find out about Italian andArmenian restaurants in New York afterhe had written the list bud put it inthe small metal strongbox where he kepthis most private thingshis brochures from kingship copperincorporated were in it too he lockedthe box and hid it in a closet in hisbedroomthe next day bud told his mother that hewas not going to return to Caldwellcollege in September I want to go to NewYork he'd said I'll get a job there I'vehad a really good idea yeah I can't tellyou about it yet it's a secret hismother had smiled at himyou always have wonderful ideas budshe'd saidon the Sunday afternoon after her firstmeeting with bud Corliss Marion kingshipwas sitting in one of the big brightrooms in the New York Museum of ModernArt she often came to the museum onSundays it was her favorite place in thecity she was looking at some largestatues when she heard a noise behindherhello again Marion said bud Corliss Ididn't expect to see you here bud waslying he had expected to see Marionthere he had been waiting near herapartment building when she came out andhe had followed her to the museum I lovethis museum bud went on I often comehere this was a lie too bud had beenthere only once before he'd found therooms which contain paintings by themodern artists that Marion liked most Icome often to Marion said she smiled atthe young man I always wanted Ellen tobe interested in art bud said but shenever wanted to go to museums or look atpaintings Ellen was a very sweet girlbut her tastes were so different frommine I liked her very muchbut I don't think that we would havestayed together after college he lookssad for a moment then he smiled let'slook at the paintings together he said Ilove American paintings my favoriteartist is an American his name isCharles DeMuth do you know his workMarionseveral hours later as the two youngpeople left the museum together bud heldMarian's hand for a moment I'd like totake you to a restaurant for dinnertonighthe said there's a wonderful Armenianrestaurant not far from heredo you like Armenian food Marion chapter2 Gordon GantDecember 1951 it was December 24thChristmas Eve Marion kingship looked atthe newspaper she was holding and shesmiled tomorrow it would be ChristmasDay and a few days after that it wouldbe her wedding day at last she was goingto be happy she read the story in thenewspaper again Marion kingship will bemarried on Saturdaymiss Marion kingship the daughter of mr.Leo kingship will be married on Saturdaymr. kingship is the owner of kingshipcopper incorporated one of the mostsuccessful companies in the u.s. misskingship will marry mr. Burton Corlissmr. Corliss was in the US Army duringthe Second World War and later hestudied at Caldwell college Wisconsin henow works in the offices of kingshipcopper until last week miss kingshipworked at an advertising agencyMarion smiled again the last few monthshadn't been easy for her at first herfather had been suspicious of Bud thatyoung man doesn't love you he loves mymoney Leo said after Marion told himabout bud first he tried to get themoney from Ellen then she was killed sonow he's trying to get it from you I'mgoing to find out more about him if youdo that Marion had replied angrily I'llnever speak to you again her fatherunderstood that she would do what shehad said he promised not to investigatebuds life Ellen told him that she andbud wanted to get married she told Leothat they loved one another we'll be sohappy together she'd said we like allthe same things we like the same booksand plays and paintings we even like thesame food at lastLeo changed his mind about bud and aboutthe marriage my wife and two of mydaughters are gone he'd said I don'twant you to go to Marian the followingweek Leo had given bud a good job withhis company and now he had bought thetwo young people a beautiful house inNew York City they were going to livethere when they were married everythingwas going to be okayon the afternoon of Christmas Eve Leokingship was working in his room at thekingship copper offices the phone onLeo's desk rang and he answered itthere's someone here who wants to talkto you urgently sir his secretary saidhis name is Robert Detweiler a momentlater a young man entered the room hewas carrying two books and a newspaperLeo kingship looked at him for a momentI've met you before he said but yourname isn't Detweiler you're right sirthe young man replied I'm Gordon Gant wemet at Blue River in March I thoughtthat you would refuse to see me today ifI told your secretary my real name Icame because I read a story in thenewspaper this morning a story aboutyour daughter's wedding there'ssomething that I must tell you sir mr.Gant Leo said please think carefullybefore you speak in March you told meand my daughter Marian about yourmeeting with Ellen you've told us thatmy daughter Dorothy had been murderedyou told us Ellen's idea about the oldnew borrowed and blue things whichDorothy had been wearing but the policesaid that Dorothy killed herself and youcouldn't prove that somebody else hadkilled her I believe that your reasonsfor telling us about Ellen's ideas weregood reasons honest reasons Leo went onbut the things that you told Marian andme upset us very much please don't tellus the same things again now the policewill never find Ellen's killer andDorothy killed herselfMarian is going to be married in a fewdays time I want her to be happy mr.Gantplease listen to me for a minute sirGant saidI read that your daughter was going tomarry Burton Corliss I remembered thatCorliss had been Ellen's boyfriend atCaldwell college and I wondered if thisyoung man was more interested in yourmoney than in your daughters didn't youhave that thought too but then I beganto wonder if Corliss had also knownDorothy I wondered if he had been thefather of her child I didn't knowCorliss but I began to wonder if he hadbeen a student at Stoddard no I'm surethat he wasn't at Stoddard mr. GantLeo said you're a student at Stoddardyourself you were a second year studentat the same time as Dorothy you told methat in Marchif Corliss had been at Stoddard too youwould have known him that's not true sirGant replied Stoddard is a very bigUniversity there are more than 12,000students therenobody can know all the other studentsEllen thought that I knew Dorothybecause we were in the same Englishclass she was wrong it was a very bigclass and I never spoke to Dorothy but Itold you something important in March onthe evening Ellen died she left amessage for me the message said thatDorothy's last boyfriend wasn't in theEnglish class and this morning Gant wenton I remembered something that I read inEllen's letter to Corliss she said thatshe had first met him in the fall of1950 at Caldwell but Caldwell is a verysmall college sir there are only about800 students at Caldwell all thestudents there know each otherCorliss and Ellen were both third-yearstudents there but they only met at thebeginning of their third year so Corlissmust have come to Caldwell from anothercollege that fallthat's why Ellen didn't meet him earlierthis is what I think happened Gant wenton Burton Corliss was that Stoddard hebecame Darth EES boyfriend because shewas your daughter he wanted to marry arich girl when she became pregnant hethought that you would be angry hethought that you would stop givingDorothy money so he killed her then hemoved to Caldwell because he stillwanted your money and he became Ellen'sboyfriend when Ellen discovered thatDorothy had been murderedCorliss killed her too and he killed ayoung man who was helping her and nowCorliss has come to New York now he'llget your money by marrying Marion youcan't prove any of this Leo said angrilywhy are you telling me about it now Ionly met Ellen for a few minutes sirGant replied gently but I liked her verymuchI believe that people should know thetruth about her death and I think thatEllen's killer should be punished and Ican prove that Corliss was a student atStoddard he went on when I rememberedthe words in Ellen's letter I started toinvestigate he opened one of the booksthat he was carrying this is theStoddard University yearbook for 1949 to1950 and here is a picture of mr.Corliss and a list of his classes hepointed at the page he wasn't inDorothy's English class but he was inher philosophy and economics classes andthey were very small classes he musthave known her Gant opened the otherbook Corliss is in the 1948-49 yearbook- oh God Leo said miserablywhy didn't Marian tell me about thisperhaps she doesn't know about itGant replied the newspaper story saysthat Corliss was at Caldwell but it saysnothing about Stoddard why not perhapsCorliss hasn't told anybody in New Yorkthat he was ever a student thereso perhaps Marian doesn't know that hewas a student there and I think that youshould tell her I can't prove that hekilled Dorothy or Ellen yet but I canprove that he knew Dorothy before heknew Ellen and you can tell Marion thatmr. Corliss is only interested in thekingship money she won't believe me mr.Gant Leo replied she doesn't trust meand she'll say bud didn't tell me thathe knew Dorothy because he didn't wantto upset me there's nothing more I cando mr. Gantcorlisses mother is coming to New Yorktonight Marion will marry Corliss onSaturday I can't stop it then I'll haveto continue my investigation began saidgoodbye mr.kingship thank you for listening to mehe turned and left the roomthat evening buds mother arrived in NewYork she had dinner at Leo's houseMarian was very happy to meet her sheliked mrs. Corliss very much she's asweet lady Marian said to bud after hismother had gone back to her hotel andyou are a wonderful son to her mrs.Corliss was going to spend Christmas Daywith her son and the kingships then shewas going to stay in the city until thewedding four days later but she wasgoing to spend the day before thewedding on her own looking at thebuildings of New York City which she hadnever visited before Leo had arrangedfor Bud Marian and himself to visitkingship coppers smelting works inIllinois on that day bud wanted to seethe smelting works very muchon the evening of December 27th GordonGant knocked at the door of Leokingships house why are you here Leosaid nervously when he opened the doorMarian mustn't see you here if shethinks that I've asked someone toinvestigate Corliss she'll never speakto me again where is your daughter sirask aunt she's gone out with Corliss andhis mother Leo replied you can come infor a few minutes if you have somethingto tell melisten to me sir Gant said when theywere sitting in Leo's library two daysago I went to menasset I've never brokeninto anyone's house before but you toldme that mrs. Corliss would be here inNew York for Christmas so I found outher address in menasset and I broke intothe house in a closet in bud Corlissbedroom I found a strongbox I broke itopen sir and in the box I found theseGant gave Leo some kingship copperbrochures they were worn and dirty theyhad been read many times and I alsofound this Gant went on he gave Leo thepiece of paper on which bud had writtena list of Marion's tastes I don't knowthat you found these in menasset saidLeo you could have got the brochures formy offices you could have written thelist yourself phone your office'stomorrow Gant replied find out ifbrochures have ever been sent to mr.Burton Corliss if the answer is yes findout when they were sent Leo picked upthe phone and dialed a numberI'll do it now he said there's alwayssomebody working in the New York officesa moment later he was talking to hissecretary then there was silence forthree or four minutesfinally Leo said I understand thank youand he put the phone down you were rightmr. Gant he said I'm sorry that I didn'tbelieve you company brochures were sentto Burton Corliss in Blue River in earlyFebruary last year that was about tenweeks before Dorothy died he must havemade her pregnant soon after he receivedthe brochures Leo put his hands over hisface I'll have to tell Marion about thisit won't be easythen suddenly Leo was very angry youwere right about Corliss wanting mymoney mr. Gant he said and I think thatyou were right about Corliss being amurderer too we can't prove it thepolice will never believe us but if hekilled my daughters he must be punishedfor it we have to make him confess tothe murders will you help me yes I'llhelp you sir said GantI'll tell Marion about this tonight saidLeo she must help us too she mustn'ttell Corliss what we know about him ifhe finds out about that he'll escapehe'll disappear so Marion must pretendthat she's going to marry him onSaturday and tomorrow we'll go to thesmelting works you must come too mr.Gant will make Corliss confessthere he won't be able to escape fromthe smelting works chapter 3 thesmelting works bud Corliss was lookingout of one of the windows of kingshipcoppers small aircraft he was feelingwonderful the Sun was shining in theclear blue sky and now the little planewas descending towards the ground farahead bud could see the great kingshipsmelting works huge clouds of smoke wererising from the roofs of the tallbuildings dark railroad tracks ranacross the shining white snow towardsthe works it was all so beautiful budfelt that this was the best day of hislife Leo and Marian were in the planewith him and there was a young mancalled Detweiler - Leo had told bud thatDet Wyler's father was one of thedirectors of the company soon the planelanded in a field near the smeltingworks LeoMarian Detweiler and bud were met by themanager of the works they all had lunchtogether in the manager's office thenthe manager took bud and Marian into aroom where there were some largephotographs the photographs showed thedifferent processes which were used tomake pure copper the manager talkedabout this for over an hourbud was very interested he had neverbeen so interested in anything in allhis life Leo isn't a young man he saidto himself he won't live for many moreyears and tomorrow I'll be hisdaughter's husbandwhen Leo dies all this will be mine atthat moment Leo and dettweiler came intothe room come up onto one of thecatwalks now but Leo said from thecatwalks you can see all the processesbelow you you'll understand everythingbetter then Marian will stay hereLeo led bud and dettweiler into one ofthe huge buildings where the smeltingprocesses happened it was very hotinside the building and there was smokeeverywhere Leo pointed up towards theroof the catwalk was a long platformwhich ran almost the whole length of thebuilding fifty feet above their heads ithad a metal floor and metal rails alongits sidesLeo began to climb a ladder which led tothe catwalk bud and dettweiler followedhim when they reached the catwalk Leotold bud to walk in front of Detweilerand himself as the three men walkedalong the metal floor holding the railsLeo explained the smelting process againas he spoke he pointed to huge vats ofhot liquid metal on the floor far belowthem he explained what was in each VAThe explained how the copper wasseparated from the other metals whichwere found with it bud asked lots ofquestions and Leo answered them the catends over the last vet Lea said thecopper in that VAT is pure a momentlater they reached the end of thecatwalk bud looked down far below him hesaw the huge vat of pure liquid copperterrible heat and green smoke wererising from the liquid metalthere was no rail at the end of thecatwalk only an iron chain do you haveany more questions bud Leo asked budturned towards the two other men no hereplied suddenly he wondered why Leo anddettweiler were looking so cold andangry that I have a question for yousaid Leo how did you make Dorothy writethat suicide note for a moment budcouldn't speak they knew but what didthey know and how did they know it Idon't underStan giulio he said I never knew DorothyI never met her I knew Ellen you knowthat but Dorothy was dead when I metEllen we don't believe you Corliss Kantsaid we know that you were a student atStoddard we know that you were in two ofDorothy's classes and we know that youkilled her who are youDetweiler bud said why are you here I'mhere because I knew Ellen Gant repliedand my name's not Detweilerit's Gant Gordon Gant I met Ellen theday before you killed her I liked hervery muchLeo please help me said bud what is thisman talking about first he said that Iknew Dorothy then he said that I killedEllen is he crazy listen to him bud Leoreplied I went to menasset two days agosaid GantI found your strongbox I opened it and Ifound the brochures and I found the listtoo Corliss bud thought quickly heturned towards Leo kingship okay Leookay okay he said I did know Dorothy Iknew her but I didn't kill herI've never killed anybody I confessedthat I wanted your money that's why Isent for the brochures that's why Imoved to Caldwell that's why I moved toNew York Marion won't marry me I realizethat so I want to leave this place nowI'm going to take my mother back tomenasset tomorrowturn around Corliss Leo said put yourhand on the chain are you crazy - leobud said angrily but he turned round andput his hand on the iron chain at theend of the catwalk as he touched it thechain broke into two pieces now therewas nothing to stop anyone falling noI'm not crazy Leo said his voice wascold and hard and you aren't the onlyperson who can plan a murder Corliss wecut the chain while you were talking tothe manager I don't want to kill you Iwant to take you to the police I wantyou to tell them what you did but if youdon't confess now that you killedDorothy and Ellen will push you into theVAT of liquid copper it's very very hotyou won't live for long but your lastmoment will be very painful now tell ushow you made or a--they write that notesuddenly bud was very afraid thesepeople really wanted to kill him he hadkilled people himself when he was in thearmy and he had killed three people inBlue River it had been easy to kill thembecause he hadn't cared about them buteverybody had always cared about him whydidn't these people care about himLeo stepped towards him and at the samemoment bud saw Marian climbing onto thecatwalk - she started to walk towardsher father if I confess bud thoughtthey'll take me to the policebut perhaps I can escape when we're outof this building if I don't confessthey'll kill me now okay I did killDorothyhe said the note was a translation froma Spanish book I asked her to write it Ikilled her and I killed Ellen - he wasvery afraid and suddenly he could thinkonly of his fear it was Ellen's fault heshouted I told her not to go to BlueRiver I had to kill her and I didn'twant Dorothy to get pregnanteverything was their fault women are sostupid at that momentMarian pushed past her father and movedtowards bud the frightened young manturned away from her and his footslipped on the metal floor he started tofall from the end of the catwalk as hefell towards the terrible vat of liquidcopper he heard a scream it reminded himof Dorothy's scream as she fell into theair shaft it reminded him of Ellen'sscream before his third bullet killedher and he realized that the scream wascoming from his own mouththe plane was returning to New YorkMarian was crying quietlywe weren't really going to kill himMarian Gordon Gant said we only wantedto make him confessI know that she said I'm not crying forhim but I thought that I was going to behappy at last you don't understandyou can't understandshe put her hands over her facewhen the kingships got back to Leo'shouse they found mrs. Corliss waitingfor them she looked happy and excitedshe smiled at Marion good evening mydearshe said I'm happy to see you again[Pk movie ]where's bud[Pk movie ]

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